Tuesday, December 15, 2015

On 11:32 PM by Freedom Rally   No comments

 Today morning a picture of a conversation between Yameen and Adheeb was being shared on social media. One could clearly conclude from the chat shown that Yameen was asking Adheeb about some money received from Saudi.Some amount of which has already been transfered to Yameen's account and now Adheeb is trying to liquidate te remaining amount for transaction.

Just a day before, the Chairperson of MDP Ali Waheed accused President Yameen and First lady Fathimath Ibrahim of corruption in a scandle involving the main government company tasked with tourism promotion. According to him, two cheques,each worth USD500,000, had beed deposited to a personal account of the Maldives Islamic Bank(MIB).

And now after this evidence came in light, it seems that these allegations are true. The president needs to answer the question raised by these images.  

Friday, December 11, 2015

On 2:49 AM by Freedom Rally in , , ,    No comments

There is an island in Alaska'Shishmaraf'. Its population is merely 650. they have already lost 2,500 to 3,000 feet of land to coastal erosion. And they are aware that their island will erode away completely. A similar case is of 'Marshall island'. They too are facing difficulty due to climate change.Reading about them, scared me to hell because my nation 'Maldives' is also standing in the line, waiting to be disappeared. There are international summits happening around the globe but no one is representing us.

From outside my nation is beautiful, peaceful and serene. Though from the inside it is a battle ground. everyone is fighting for something. Politicians for power,activists for rights,buisnessmen for profit and common people like us for our livelihood.In this circus, my nation is fighting alone with the climate change for our survival. It is bearing all the attrocities of global warming alone.If Maldives vanishes then all the other battles are worthless. We may need to shift as environmental refugees in other countries. the world as we know it won't exist. Nothing will be left to fight for.

I have read about some revolutions and in each of them, there was a single man standing in front. But his power always remained in the common people like you and me. Whether it was 'Che Guevara' or 'Nelson Mandela'. These people stood with them , fought with them and eventualy won. The common people belived in their cause, they understood the motive which was beneficial for all. Without them no revolution was possible.

Looking at the present scenario in our country. This is our time to start a revolution. One to save 'Maldives'! We already have a leader,'Mohamed Nasheed'. He understands the importance of our survival and puts it even before democracy. Let us stand for him now else no one will be left to stand with us.