Wednesday, October 28, 2015

On 5:23 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  •  Who is not with YAG would be arrested.
  •   President is more concern for money rather than instability of the country.
  •  Unfortunately, Maldives is being isolated due to all wrong doings of the president.
  •  The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections
  •  A true democracy is the need for Maldives.
After continuous raids on his close relatives and associates finally Adeeb is arrested.  Ministers and other high rank security officials is continuously being arrested. President can't believe its ministers and ministers are trying to kill President. There is a fear amongst the people , the development process is stopped, human right violation is  increasing day by day.  In four month two VP has been removed in different cases. There is a negative impression of Maldives in the world. This shows the instability of the government.
              Like many other people, I also love my country very much and I  am worried what is happening these days. A government should be voice of people but sorry to say, here the scene is fully opposite. Government is trying its best to suppressing its people. There are some people who are doing this for their own benefit. They are not thinking about the country. Unfortunately , the President is leading these type of people. VP is trying to kill his President, how worst the situation is and who is responsible for all these things, none another than our President.

The responsibility of the president is not only lead the country but also make their people happy, make sure of their right, security, education , make a strong position of its country in the world. Present scenerio is making me remember of the day before independent even at that time the situation is not worst than today. They were not our people, their moto was clear. And today our President along with his group and supporters is doing the same. Today, Maldives is in the world's news only  for negative reason. Can we say that we are living in 21st century?

 Three years ago the situation was totally different. We had a leader who could lead our country efficiently. Who was popular amongst its people. Who thought for its people , live for them.
In spite of who is in power, stability, peace, security and justice are key for the country. Yameen should priorities these over anything else, yet he cannot guarantee these for the public or for himself either. The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections.

We have to open our eyes , come out of your house raise a voice against government's corruption for our right , for our beloved country. It is in your hand to save your children's future.



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