Thursday, August 4, 2016

On 4:11 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Maldives can no longer be considered as an independent nation. The Yameen government has  totally become submissive to Saudi Royal Family & Chinese! Yameen is facing international and domestic pressure over human rights abuses and allegations of corruption.

The ‘Defamation and Freedom of Expression Act’ despite being labeled by journalists as the death of free media in the island nation was accepted with 38 MPs voting in favor on Monday.Two MPs including party leader Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s son Faaris Maumoon voted against the bill while several MPs were absent from the sitting or had walked out just before the vote.

Several pro-government lawmakers broke the three line whip during the parliament vote on the controversial defamation bill suggesting a deep division within the ruling coalition over the move to criminalize defamation. Government-sponsored bill criminalizing defamation has drawn fierce criticism from the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union.
Amnesty International called on the government to scrap plans to enact the law, which it said would have “a stifling effect on the right to freedom of expression.

Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had earlier urged his party leaders to vote down the bill. Foreign minister  Dunya Maumoon had also resigned citing the difference of opinions in Governance.
Home Minister Umar Naseer had also resigned moments after lawyers representing a former def. minister, sentenced on weapons smuggling charges. In his statement Umar Naseer said that he had disagreements on many occasions. That Pres. Yameen is a man of conviction. He will not consult. He will not talk to other cabinet colleagues and discuss and bring solutions together. He will make decisions on his own. 

 Proving all such articulations right, President Yameen has reshuffled his cabinet again and replaced Home Minister Ahmed Zuhoor with former Deputy Minister of Education, Azleen Ahmed. The reasons for the sudden change remains unclear.

People who were once Pres.Yameen's allies are rapidly opposing his decisions and questioning on his capabilities as a President. Yameen is an absolute dictator and a total authoritarian. He does things as he wish does not care about citizens of Maldives.
The political situation in Maldives is shifting rapidly and the sudden decisions being taken by the President shows that he is not able to handle the situation. The coming days seems to bring some unexpected changes in the political crisis of Maldives!


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