Wednesday, March 2, 2016

On 3:54 AM by Freedom Rally   No comments

Looking at my news-feed on Twitter today , I felt disgusted. There were stories about an innocent man abused in a Mosque, more leaders being arrested for stupid reasons, mysterious murders and the same old corruption games by our President. The annoyance of not being able to change things took a toll on me. Being a self acclaimed social media warrior , its the first time I felt that its not fruitful. Yes, it helps us in reaching out to people but if it doesn't change something on the ground then its useless.

At present our country is in a political made disaster . We all are screaming hard but not loud enough. They are just a handful greedy people due to which we all are suffering. My question is that after so many disclosures of corruption, murders etc, Why are we still comparatively calm?

I remember when PPM sponsored a coup against Mohamed Nasheed . How these PPM goons came so aggressively on streets. How they raised their voice against democracy. The memories are fresh, when dictatorship couped democracy. It was a black day for Maldives which followed only darker days afterwards.

According to me, we all should learn from them. Their compassion for destroying our country should be our passion to save Maldives from these beasts now.

Until and unless, we won't forget about our personal problems and fight for Maldives, we won't be able to live freely. This country is not PPM's estate where they could do anything according to their wish. But unfortunately, our president Yameen is doing exactly the same. So, the decision is yours now whether you want to continue complaining or to be the change that will save Maldives!!!


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