Thursday, March 31, 2016

On 4:14 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Remember, when people meet and the joy it brings us with happiness wrapped like a smile. If the meeting is outside then even the bill is split equally and everyone takes home their share of memories. Oh! The happy times but Alas! We aren't talking about any of this stuff in Maldives. Here 'Jalsa' means mostly a meeting called by a political party and the word 'Bill' brings with it the fear of another law being framed to trap Maldivians.

Now a days , musical evenings are organized with free coffee, posters informing people about the next Jalsas are actively shared on social media and our Govt. is rapidly introducing life threatening bills like the criminalization of defamation in the Majlis. At present there are two groups in Maldives, 1. who don't want anyone's voice to be heard and 2. who despite of all odds, want their cries for freedom to echo in the world. Though, there is a third group too, they are the numb ones, these people are still trying to neglect the ongoing crisis in the country and refuse to take a decision by taking a stand. These people have closed their eyes and are thinking that somehow all these bills,scams,rallies, Jalsas will not effect their cocoon of dreams. But they are wrong! Because they are the ones who are both the suppressed and the suppressor. By remaining silent after watching the atrocities of this foolish government, the numb ones are taking the dictators side and by not fighting for their rights , they are also being victimized by the greedy ministers in the name of law and welfare.

What do these people think,  Have they thought , why are their so less hospitals,schools,jobs or lets say who will be paying all the loans taken by Pres.Yameen in the name of Mosques, Hospitals,Runway,Bridge etc. Who do they think will protect them when gangs will roam freely on the streets of Maldives. (Do they still expect police to do so) Who will be providing them clean drinking water or will pay their rents ? Will the Government do that? Don't they want to know about the money that has been given as bribes to the Ministers or how did Pres. Yameen acquire so much funds to organize his presidential campaigns at such a large scale? Who gave him all that money and why?no future in Maldives? That why there are no prominent opportunities other than for tourism in Maldives?

Today, I won't answer these questions as I want each reader to answer it for themselves. As present is when no Maldivian can ignore this situation , when everyone needs to take a stand . No matter what it is but there has to be a black and white in Maldives.

So either go to a jalsa or read about the latest bill introduced in Majlis but decide and support whatever you think is right according to YOU!!!


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