Saturday, October 31, 2015

On 2:00 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Yameen and Adeeb were looting the country together till July 2015 but suddenly arrest of Adeeb has left many question behind it.

Dispute between Adeeb and Yammen is for money rather than power. Both of them were selling the nation to china. After the boycott of tourism by Europian countries China came into the scene. In China the tourist follow the government diction. If government want they will go to any destination.This make a good oppertunity of Chines businessmen. They wanted to own the Maldives proporty for ever. China invested a huge amount in the tourism sector of Maldives with a purpose and it was promised that the more chinese tourist will visit Maldives.

    This way China is planning to capture real state, lands and property. Strategically Maldives is very importent for China.It is also part of its string of pearl,One belt one road.In that way they one using Maldivians for their strategic goal.They gave a huge amount to the Maldivian government.


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