Monday, October 19, 2015

On 8:34 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  • Adeeb wants Motion of impeasement against YAG
  • YAG will never release Raees Nasheed
  • YAG is unable to handle Raees Nasheed Matter and the country is being isolated due to his arrogance
  • Adeeb might arrest anytime

Most of the People in Maldives and the International community are in favor of release of Raees Nasheed.last month  the decision of UNWGAD decision is also against the Maldivian government despite this YAG is  agree to free him. YAG is not taking any interest in domestic as well as international matters and he is more concern to save his regime. 

His every step is against the country and due to his arrogance our country is being isolated.It is sure that he will never release Raees. The continuous protest of MDP has been inaffective due to poor leadership. Now there are three groups in PPM one is with YAG the second group is with senior Gayoom and the third group is with Adeeb. Adeeb wants to release Raees Nasheed on surity that he would never be sent to jail in future for the corruption he did in past. 

He tried to make Raees Naheed release in July but YAG was not agreed and a rift between them started from then. 

Adeeb alongwith his blind supporters like Ahmed Nihan, Ibrahim Sghujan, Ahmed Tariq, Mohd Mustafa and Mohd Ismail, wants motion of impeasement against YAG. He is trying it with the help of MDP and also contacted some PPM MPs but the PPM MPs were not convinced and he couldn't sucsseed in his plan. Many reports and facts are showing Adeeb's hand behind the attack on pesident's boat. 

On the other hand YAG is sure about Adeeb's steps and thats why he has started taking action against him and his aides. YAG already taken away the power of tourism ministry from Adeeb. The day is not far when Adeeb would be arrested alongwith his group.


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