Wednesday, November 4, 2015

On 2:59 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

At the same time there is a news in media that Yameen is suffering with life threatening disease. Adeeb become slow in his planing since after Yameen's death he was the obvious president. However during his visit of Germany Yameen got a ray of hope. It was told by German doctors that they have the treatment of the disease and the disease was curable. At the one side Yameen was happy while It was shocking news for VP. He was unable to understand how he should go. Now Yameen was the main barrier in his aim and he was only one way to fulfill his ambition and that is to kill Yameen at any cost.

        Further he conspires the blast on the president boat but President Yameen was unhurt in the blast in. Adeeb along with his team had been arrested for assassination of President. Now Yameen is showing his friend countries that he is the only boss and he is going to sell the nation the way he wants to do. While Mr. Gayoom and his sons/daughter also want their share and thats why they are becoming close to him day by day. It would be interesting to see the next step of Yameen.

        So scene is clear that the fight is only for money rather than Power. Every corrupt people want a share and they are ready to do anything for this. Now It is only the people of the Maldives who can save their nation and none another than that


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