Tuesday, December 20, 2016

On 5:18 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

State of Maldives has been ordered to pay USD 15 million in damages to Malaysian company Nexbis by Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC) over dissolution of contract between Nexbis and Maldives Immigration to build a border control system in Maldives.

Nexbis, a Malaysian-based venture that was contracted to manage the border control system (BCS) of the atoll state.

In successive months, two foreign companies have been paid compensation for abrupt cancellation of contracts by President Yameen's government, citing various reasons. First it was GMR, an Indian infrastructure company, that was awarded a project to upgrade and manage Ibrahim Nasir International Airport; and then it was Nexbis, a Malaysian-based venture that was contracted to manage the border control system (BCS) of the atoll state.

Now what puzzles a common man of Maldives are: What reasons were cited by the Maldivian government for the ouster? How many of them were genuine and how many of them were motivated – politically, economically ? What were the actual reasons behind the ouster and what are the consequences?

Overall, three broad reasons were offered by the government of Maldives to oust either of the companies. The first issue was on the transparency of the contract. The official government record states that the contract “was signed under dubious conditions”. However, the fact of the matter is that the contract was awarded through an international bidding process overseen by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The matter of fact is that the project followed international best practices at each step of the bidding process to ensure the highest degree of competitiveness, transparency and credibility of the process.

The second reason cited was that the contracts were “illegal”. The IFC has contended this by observing that the contracts “complied with Maldivian laws and regulations”. The Maldivian Attorney General in his legal opinion clearly stated that the contracts agreements “do not violate any provision of the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives or any law regulation, rule or decree...”

The third reason was that the projects were “against the national interest” of the Maldives. It is highly unlikely that the abrogation of the contract served any national interest of the Maldives.  Significantly, when the projects got underway, it had become some of the biggest FDI into the Maldives; that too, at the time when Maldives' economic is going downspiral.

The move has also sent negative signals to prospective investors in the Island; in addition to creating jitters and uncertainty amongst the present ones. As reasons offered for the termination of the contract appear unimpressive, one tends to look for actual motivations. In the process, one cannot miss local political and electoral factors.

US$271 million  to GMR, $15 million to Nexbiz,a few more cases pending, $72 million stolen...remaining islands given without bidding...is there anything left?

Monday, December 19, 2016

On 5:10 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

The court hearing to announce the final verdict on two journalists of Raajje TV Mohamed Visam and Leevan Ali Nazeer, who were arrested for allegedly obstructing police, on Monday afternoon will be held behind closed doors.

The decision to close the doors on the hearing was announced after people had submitted their names to observe the trial. The reason for the abrupt decision is unclear.

The  Criminal Court declared RaajjeTv journalists guilty on police obstruction charges, sentencing to be held on Jan. 24 2017.  The prosecution requests a jail term of four months and 24 days for the journalists. Meantime Maldives Police pushed media and family of  journalists, claiming that it was an "illegal gathering" 

Mohamed Wisam, Leevan Ali Naseer  are the first Maldivian journalists to be prosecuted since the country adopted a democratic constitution in 2008.

Their prosecution stands in stark contrast to the lack of justice for crimes committed against the press, including the disappearance of Maldives Independent journalist Ahmed Rilwan, the arson attack on Raajje TV, the near-fatal beating of the station’s former news head, Asward Ibrahim Waheed, and the mass death threats sent via text messages to journalists.

When world marks the international day to end impunity for crimes against journalists, human rights groups have urged the Maldives to practice what it preaches internationally, describing the country’s support for the UN resolution while cracking down on the press at home, as “dark comedy.

Maldives is ranked 112th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2015 World Press Freedom Index.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

On 11:59 PM by Freedom Rally in    1 comment


 Appointed as Ambassador of Maldives to Japan

Former Presidential Affairs Minister Mohamed Hussain ‘Mundhu’ Shareef has been appointed to head the Maldives’ diplomatic mission in Japan.


October 2015 Mohamed Hussain Shareef ‘Mundhu,’ former presidential affairs minister, had been arrested in Malaysia along with Hamid Ismail, an influential businessman related to jailed Vice President Ahmed Adeeb on suspicion of links to a plot to assassinate President Abdulla Yameen.


Ex-cabinet minister Mohamed Hussain Shareef was released from police custody under unofficial and undisclosed agreement with President Yameen


Shareef resigned from the cabinet in October when he was told by President Yameen to stay home in an apparent purge of former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s supporters from the government.


Shareef was involved in corruption scam of MVR 3.7million (US$24,000) catering contract awarded by the president’s office for a state banquet to mark the Maldives’ Golden Jubilee of Independence.

In February 2016 close of inquiry

The watchdog Anti-Corruption Commission decided to close an inquiry against a former cabinet minister, citing lack of evidence and additional “reasons that cannot be disclosed to the press.” An official stated, on condition of annonimity, that orders came directly from President Yameen and implimented under pressure.

The case was returned shortly after Aishath Bisham, Shareef’s former colleague at the president’s office, was appointed Prosecutor General.
On 9:46 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

On Friday night, MDP Local Council Campagin rally protesting against declining Maldivian democracy, in Addu City was disrupted and forcefully stopped by the government of Yameen regime. Police in riot gear dispersed the crowd and pushed back the podium and the sound system. Several protesters were severely wounded in tussel with the local police. With Maldivians now imprisoned in their own land under barbaric regime of President Yameen, people are forced to think if this was the DEMOCRACY they fought for and won.

In December,2016 The civil court has ordered the elections commission to postpone January’s local council elections. The delay of the Local Council Elections is well planned and carried out jointly by the Government, Elections Commission and courts. With all state institutions deemed toothless and renderless by President Yameen, the whole of state machinery is now puppet of corrupt Yameen Government. Judge Ali Abdulla ruled in favour of President Abdulla Yameen.

Since November 2016 President Abdulla Yameen’s faction of the ruling party has been bribing supporters and coercing state employees to attend PPM(Y) political party rallies. State employees were threatened with dismissal and salary reductions for failure to attend the rally. Most people were reportedly given MVR500 (US$32.4) to attend the PPM(Y) rally.

Employee who works for the state owned utility company STELCO said his superiors had warned him of severe action, including dismissal, for failure to attend the PPM(Y)rallies. Employees of state-owned enterprises were given a sticker with a serial number upon entry to keep a check of their attendance in the rally. 

Maldivians, who spoke  on the condition of anonymity,  they were compelled to attend PPM(Y) political rally irrespective of the official work load that is already accumulating with tables full of files requiring their immediate attention. Another Maldivian, who works at the Maldives Ports Limited, said the company’s Chief Executive Office Mohamed Junaid “personally asked everyone to attend. He threatened us with dismissal and salary reductions if we didn’t join the rally."

The plight of Maldivians is not just restricted to lack of freedom and expression, but the whole pseudo "Free & Fair" democracy dream they are being brainwashed into believing...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

On 5:48 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has stated that investigations have revealed that Abu Dhabi’s association had made the donation of USD 24,000 (MVR 370,080) to Waqf Fund on condition that half of it (MVR 185,040) be given to the Sadaqat Foundation, owned by the first lady and wife of President Yameen, Fathimath Ibrahim. 

The Maldives graft watchdog has now declared that the Waqf Fund, managed by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, has not handed over its promised share of the donation made by a private Ab Dhabi association to the Sadaqat Foundation. According to the ACC, the Islamic Ministry had cancelled its letter to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury requesting to deposit the amount for Sadaqat Foundation. The private association of Abu Dhabi had made the donation to aid Waqf Fund in conducting various religious programs in mosques during the last Islamic holy month of Ramadan. 

The commission probed the matter in the wake of a case filed by a private individual stating that Waqf Fund had transferred the amount as per the agreement. 

Similar controvercies involving the NGO Sadaqat Foundation owned by, the first lady and wife of President Yameen, Fathimath Ibrahim had sparked earlier also when on June 2016 First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim has sparked a firestorm of criticism after it emerged that a charity organization she founded (Sadagat Foundation),was distributing packets of dates gifted by Saudi Arabia to the people of the Maldives in its name.

The packets were being handed out at breakfasts organized by the Sadagat Foundation with labels stating, “With the best wishes of the Sadagat Foundation.” The plastic cover of the packet said that it was a gift from the government of the custodian of the two holy mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. 

Saudi Arabia donated around 50 tonnes of dates to the Maldives on Ramadan. Finance ministry was ordered by President Yameen to handover some ten tonnes of dates to the presidential palace. Following the order, the 500 boxes of dates were transported to a campaign office run by the first lady Fathimath Ibrahim in Malé on a truck owned by the Maldives Road Development Corporation . The embassy of Saudi Arabia in Malé has earlier spoken out in defense of the first lady of the Maldives, who has been accused of corruption repeatedly involving her NGO Sadagat Foundation, when it emerged that an NGO she founded was distributing dates gifted by the kingdom in its name. 

The Saudis defence of Fathimath could “taint the high regard” the Maldivian people have for the kingdom. This reeks of misuse of power and privilege. Saudi government should be outraged rather than trying to cover up these shameful actions. Corruption, whether it is siphoning of state funds for personal use, money laundering, or seemingly as petty as stealing thefts, should not be condoned. 

President Abdulla Yameen and his wife are also under fire over a historic corruption scandal involving the theft of some US$80million from state coffers. Independent MP Ahmed Mahloof was summoned to the police headquarters in early February over claims that there are millions of dollars in the first couple’s private bank accounts. 

 President Yameen and the first lady Fathimath Ibrahim, with all due respect, are working towards siphoning off millions of dollars from Maldives National Funds, showing no concern towards development and prosperity of Maldives as a nation. The first couple has devised new and innovative ways to divert International funds and donations for Maldives towards their own personal accounts. With all the state machinery, including the ACC and Judiciary, flooded with unqualified Yameen loyalist, the couple is having a free hand to rob Maldives of its finances and dignity as a independent and self-sufficient nation.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

On 6:52 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Ministry of Defence and National Security in Maldives has signed an agreement with India’s Lovely Professional University for counter-terrorism awareness and training projects. The MOU signed directly b/w L.P.U. and President Yameen equips a private educational institute, teaching courses like BA, B. Com, B. Sc., BBA, MBA, etc in India to provide military training to Maldives.

 The move comes as a shock to the global audience who clearly knows inadequacy of educational university like L.P.U. to train forces for counter-terrorism. The move is drawing huge criticism from national and international audience as it is meant to fool the Maldivians to believe in false sense of security.

The Maldivians are being made to believe of being in safe hands by repeated training of its military and armed forces but the reality points to another money laundering scandal by President Yameen. The whole counter-terrorism training exercise is a bluff and the money being paid for the training is making its way into President Yameen's pockets and personal bank accounts.

 Insiders claim that the 'counter-terrorism' training deal with a private educational institute is a mask to cover exchange of money between a private university (planning to open a branch in Maldives) and President Yameen (planning to rob Maldives of its foreign exchange). Maldives national accounts are being manipulated and fabricated to show expenses whereas the money is being transferred to President Yameen's pockets.

President Yameen is also on a move to get a “Doctorate” degree from the L.P.U. to put a mask of being a just and adequately qualified leadership face in front of the people of Maldives and the global audience who are keenly watching the growth of democracy through 2018 elections. The honorary “Doctorate” degree is part of the secret agreement between a private educational institute and President Yameen.

This is not the first time President Yameen is buying degrees to glorify his public image. Even in April 2016 President Abdulla Yameen received Dr Kalam Puraskar for Excellence in Governance by a Thiruvananthapuram based private firm Dale View Group. Even though the award carries name of former Indian president but in reality it has no link to the government of India.

Message to President Yameen

A “Good President” of any nation is not primarily categorized by the educational degrees he holds or by the large personal bank deposits but by the way which he governs his country. A true leadership is not about “ruling” the citizens but “serving” its citizens. Good governance of the nation is the key to being a “Good President”. Action definitely speaks louder than False Words or Fake Degrees !!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

On 4:14 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  •   Prices for food staples doubled overnight
  •   Maldives current crises are not just limited to severe democracy deficit
  •  A political system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven

    Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom (born. 21 May 1959) is President of the Republic of Maldives, Head of State and Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Police. President Yameen obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Later, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Claremont Graduate School in Los Angeles, California. President Yameen’s reputation as a great Visionary, Efficient and Result-Oriented Executive has often been highlighted to gain public support during elections and to instill in people of Maldives a feeling of government of Republic of Maldives being in and governed by safe hands. Being the elected head of the Republic of Maldives, President Yameen is at the forefront of the implementation of democratic reforms, particularly through the legislature.

    Maldives is undergoing “severe democracy deficit” in the country, the curtailment of fundamental freedoms of expression and assembly has created an environment of fear and intimidation among people of Maldives. The lack of progress in resolving an intractable political crisis triggered by jailing of opposition and lack of crucial action that is needed to be taken at the political level by the country’s President who has influence and access to the machinery of the state. There is a dire need for political consensus in the long term, while in the short term, the government must demonstrate both the will and the leadership to help the nation emerge from severe democratic deficit. With Maldives policies deeply politicised and compromised, and disregards to the principles of natural justice or to serve the best interest of the nation as a whole. The “Great Economist”, President Yameen, is now also being accused of defaming Maldives government by the very own people who elected him to power. He has been criticized and accused of increasingly repressivepolicies and fear are being expressed on free and fair elections in 2018 which people claim seems an increasingly distant prospect”.

    Maldives current crises are not just limited to severe democracy deficit, decline in government's foreign currency reserves is also a point of major concern. Reserves at the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) readily available for use in the foreign currency exchange market have declined tremendously, decline largely attributable to the increase in MMA’s foreign currency sales, which the central bank said was driven by a slow-down in the tourism sector and high demand for dollars ahead of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

    The government has struggled to meet ambitious revenue targets amid a slowdown in the tourism sector. It predicts a deficit of MVR3.4billion (US$220million) or 6 percent of GDP, but the World Bank believes the figure could be as high as 13.3 percent. The MMA says the current shortage can be attributed to both demand and supply-side factors. From the supply side, the slow-down in tourism sector has reduced dollar revenue for the economy, alongside this, increased government spending on large infrastructural projects have exacerbated the current situation in the domestic foreign exchange market. With President Yameen's “Visit Maldives Year 2016” campaign, with a goal of welcoming 1.5 million tourists to Maldives, failing to meet its target, tourism industry, backbone of Maldives economy, is on a downfall. Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer said, “There are challenges in tourist arrivals. Growth hasn’t been what we anticipated”, throwing the blame on the opposition’s alleged scaremongering about religious extremism in the Maldives. Contrary to governments belief, international tour operators suggested that years of bad press about political turmoil coupled with the dearth of mid-range hotels and introduction of “Green Tax” on top of a 12 percent tourism goods and services tax, was undermining the Maldives’ attractiveness as a global holiday destination.

    The government of Republic of Maldives headed by President Yameen are facing huge public criticism after the government announced austerity measures to rein in deficit. Moves like issuing advice for the general public to renounce traveling abroad for their holy pilgrimage Hajj as a measure to reduce the leakages of foreign currency out of the country has escalated the unrest among Islamic people of the country. Curbs are also being extended on overseas travel to seek medical treatment to prevent what government sees as “leakage of millions of dollars”. Rules have already been imposed on freeze of government appointments and an order to close government offices by 2:30pm. What comes as a major shock for people of the Maldives is the unjustified imposition of numerous new taxes and price hikes on basic commodities to fill in for the deficit. Government's policy of exploitation of its own people at the cost of building large infrastructural projects is not being digested by Maldivians. Yameen Government recent policy to cut down on food subsidy has caused outrage among Maldivians, especially as it comes in the wake of a hike in basic utilities such as electricity and fuel prices.

    People first concern themselves with meeting their basic needs; only afterwards, do they pursue any higher needs. President Yameen's recent policy to cut down of food subsidy on pretext that a majority of those who benefit from the subsidy are not its rightful beneficiaries, has created a widespread outcry among people of Maldives. Shops across the Maldives are running out of food staples as Maldivians rushed to buy rice, flour and sugar following an abrupt announcement by the Yameen government about plans to cut down food subsidies. With reported long queues outside shops in the atolls and rationing in southern Addu City, shops have now put a limit on kilos per customer. The controlled prices for rice, flour and sugar is set to double, with a kilo of rice previously costing MVR 3.98 to be sold at MVR 7.96, a kilo of sugar which cost MVR 4.5 will now cost MVR 8, and flour sold at MVR 3.5 per kilo will now be sold for MVR 5.96. President Yameen's new policy has caused an uprise in black marketing of daily essentials, with State Trading Organisation, which imports and distributes the majority of staples at prices set by the government, maintaining stand that there is no shortage. The announcement has caused outrage as it comes in the wake of a hike in fuel surcharge of MVR 0.04 on each unit of electricity already imposed from October 2016. President Yameen is also planning to introduce “Control of the Public Sector Wage Bill”, to cut down on salaries, which will result in further frustration and anger among the Maldivians.

    “For now, our stand is that we cannot afford to pay more taxes,” is the voice of most people of Maldives. The “Anti-Yameen” campaigns erupting within the country have alleged that the taxes and price hikes of basic commodities like food, fuel and electricity have little to do with the deficit, and everything to do with corrupt President Yameen's own personal greed for money to maintain his lavish lifestyles. Maldavians claim that austerity measures are a sign of fiscal mismanagement and there are no guidelines on how the collected tax is to be spent. 

    “There is now a real fear that the government may not be able to pay salaries which shows that the government has serious issues with cash flows,” says Ibrahim Ameer, a member of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party. “The government’s fiscal policy has failed. It is worsening the dollar crisis. The government is using forced T-bills to bridge the deficit, which is having a negative impact on the private sector.” President Yameen's autocratic regime is already amidst a US$ 1.6bn money laundering scam involving leasing of 59 atolls ,each for 99 years to various resort companies without inviting any bids for the same. Afterwards, President Yameen, instead of ordering probe into the allegations, put restrictions on any news related to the scam on any electronic and print media in Maldives. Massive peaceful protests and rallies demanding probe into the money laundering allegations were all crushed by violent force with people claiming that the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom, including the official administration, central bank and the judiciary system.

    With this article we would like to pass a message, on behalf of all the people of Maldives, to the President and other government officials of Republic of Maldives:

    A political system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people. A great leader must serve the best interests of the people first, not those of multinational corporations. Human life should never be sacrificed for monetary profit. There are no exceptions. In addition, a leader should always be open to criticism, not silencing dissent. Any leader who does not tolerate criticism from the public is afraid of their dirty hands being revealed under heavy light. And such a leader is dangerous, because they only feel secure in the darkness. Only a leader who is free from corruption welcomes scrutiny; for scrutiny allows a good leader to be an even greater leader.

Friday, September 30, 2016

On 6:06 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

The Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) has lost an opportunity to take strict action against the Maldives government, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) said raising concern over the continued leeway being allowed to member states for repeated disregard to the Commonwealth Charter.
Days after CMAG, a watchdog body comprising of eight foreign ministers placed Maldives on its formal agenda, CHRI in a statement accused the body of failing to show urgency in responding to evidence pointing at persistent violations by the Maldives government.
“Unless monitoring by CMAG is accompanied with clear consequences for non-compliance, the body’s weight in the promotion of democratic values will not strengthen”, the statement read.

CMAG had laid out a six-point reform agenda in February, which includes the release of political prisoners and judicial reform.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has called on the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) to convene before the end of 2016 to “take stock of the situation in the Maldives and reassess its response.”

CHRI made the comment in a statement issued following CMAG’s decision to place Maldives on its formal agenda. A follow up meeting has been scheduled for March 2017, where the Ministers would consider options such as suspension, depending on the progress made by the country in the priority areas highlighted by CMAG.

Welcoming the decision, CHRI, however expressed concern in regard to the delay in taking this step.”

CHRI, who prior to the CMAG meeting on Friday, said that “this is the time for resolute action against the Maldivian government,” said that it believed that “this is a missed opportunity for CMAG to take the firm stand needed to reinforce Commonwealth’s fundamental principles.”

Noting that the government of Maldives has failed to demonstrate progress since February 2016 despite being given sufficient time and assistance- both diplomatic and technical, CHRI urged CMAG to “reorient its engagement with the Maldives towards firm resolute action”.

“We reiterate the urgent need for CMAG to convene before the year’s end to take stock of the situation in the Maldives and reassess its response,” said CHRI.

CHRI, who prior to the CMAG meeting on Friday, said that “this is the time for resolute action against the Maldivian government,” said that it believed that “this is a missed opportunity for CMAG to take the firm stand needed to reinforce Commonwealth’s fundamental principles.”

CHRI said that “this was the time to order suspension of the Maldives from the Councils of the Commonwealth with a strong message that this would only be lifted upon visible, time-bound, progress in the six areas stipulated by CMAG.

It further emphasized that “standards of democracy and human rights in Maldives have only worsened,” during the review period between February and September.

“Having recognized the serious concerns to democracy, rule of law and human rights in the country in February 2016 and having laid down clear, measurable, priority areas for action which have not been met, we believe the body has failed to show urgency in responding to evidence pointing at persistent violations by granting the Maldives six more months to take action,” said CMAG.

Echoing the concerns of Commonwealth Secretary General’s Special Envoy Dr. Willy Mutunga, CHRI said that it remains “deeply concerned” by the present circumstances” in the Maldives and that it “seriously questions whether a conducive environment for credible and inclusive presidential elections in 2018 can be achieved without firm international pressure on all political players, particularly the ruling party, to take the steps needed to create political dialogue.” Mutunga is his briefing notes to the CMAG, said that “the inability of political leaders to participate in political life could prevent a credible presidential election in 2018.”

CHRI also noted its concerns regarding the independence of the Maldives’ institutions, including the parliament, judiciary and police.

CHRI had, in a statement issued on September 19, said that Maldives "is sliding to a dictatorial system once again," and that the situation, if allowed to continue "will soon push the island nation into the brink of violence and anarchy." 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

On 2:54 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

President Yameen is back to his evil path of robbing Maldivian people's money in what is being known as Yameen's “Money Rotation” scam. The modus operandi of the scam is simple:

      1. President Yameen gives contract awarding authority to some well known junior rank minister acting as a stooge in the scam.

      2.Without inviting any sort of quotations or bids junior rank minister awards lucrative contract to own or known person's company with no experience or capacity and known records of poor quality work.

      3.The company abuses the contract in every possible way to unlawfully benefit millions of US$ from the contract.

      4.Due major share of these unlawful benefits are then transferred to President Yameen and his stooge junior rank minister for graft in awarding the lucrative contract.

The whole “Money Rotation” scam is tightly secured by using President's power, money and influence in the administration and judiciary. Even when Anti-Corruption Commission, Anti-Corruption Watchdogs or any member of opposition draws allegations of corruption, President Yameen uses his power, influence and money to pressurize the Prosecutor General’s office not to press any charges or register any case towards the company or the contractor, thus providing the scam a whole security network from getting exposed.

To bring more light to the President Yameen's “Money Rotation” scam, hereby stated are the facts revolving around the whole scam controversy:

In July last year, Mohamed Hussain Shareef, former presidential affairs minister, was accused of graft in awarding the lucrative contract to the “Newport Restaurant” for the official Independence Day banquet but the Prosecutor General’s office declined to prosecute Shareef after the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) forwarded charges of abuse of power to unlawfully benefit a third party. The officials of ACC said, “Newport did not have the experience to cater for such an event, and the minister never checked if they had the capacity,”.

Detailed investigation in the case by ACC reveal that the Presidential affairs minister, Mohamed Hussain Shareef, last year awarded the MVR3.7 million catering contract to a restaurant owned by activists of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) despite their lack of experience. Even employees of the president’s office complained to the ACC of the poor quality of the food and said it did not live up to the price. The Anti-Corruption Commission forwarded the case for prosecution against Shareef last week under charges of abuse of power to unlawfully benefit a third party. The Prosecutor General’s office decided not to press charges against Mohamed Hussain Shareef over alleged corruption in the selection of caterer for the official independence day banquet.  

A spokesperson at the Prosecutor General office said there was not enough evidence to prosecute the former minister Shareef for abuse of power. Since ACC sends case to the Prosecutor General only when the commission thinks the accused can and should be charged, Muaviz Rasheed, Vice President of the ACC, said “the commission will look into the reason why the PG decided not to charge Shareef.” “In awarding the contract, the former minister had claimed that it was President Abdulla Yameen who had chosen Newport. Shareef later admitted that he had lied,” the ACC spokesperson said. Newport had submitted a proposal to serve 300 VIPs and a buffet for 500 dignitaries. The agreed cost was US$ 285 per head. It is not clear on whose orders Newport had submitted the proposal, the ACC said. According to the ACC, the price per head would have been much lower if quotations had been obtained from others. Shareef had told the ACC that a coordination committee at the president’s office had advised Newport’s hire, but committee members have now denied the claim.

 According to the ACC, Shareef had also assisted the Newport Restaurant in hiring waiters for the banquet through the president’s office and used state funds to buy a sorbet machine for the restaurant. The poor quality of the food prompted several reporters to allege corruption. A diplomat told that the food was “inauthentic and tasteless.

 Immediately after the scam, former Presidential Affairs Minister Mohamed Hussain Shareef was appointed to head the Maldives’ diplomatic mission in Japan on August 17th 2016

Few months earlier to the whole caterer scam controversy, the same person Mohamed Hussain Shareef was forced to quit the government in the wake of an explosion on President Abdulla Yameen’s speedboat. Hamid Ismail, an influential businessman related to jailed Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, and Mohamed Hussain Shareef pair were arrested from an apartment in Malaysia on suspicion of links to a plot to assassinate President Abdulla Yameen. The commission is also investigating other complaints over the banquet, including the hire of tables and chairs. According to the finance ministry, a budget of MVR150 million was allocated for the celebrations to mark the Maldives’ golden jubilee of independence.

Despite the whole controversy and still ongoing investigations, the president’s office once again awarded the catering contract to Newport for this year’s Independence Day reception without inviting any quotations and bids from any other caterers, indicating clearly President Yameen's favoring of this particular caterer. The recent move is also an evidence that holds true Shareef's claim to ACC that a coordination committee at the president’s office had advised Newport’s hire.

What's even more shocking is the case of President Yameen's dictator regime awarding a project to build a platform for the public to view the ongoing construction of the “China-Maldives Friendship” bridge, largest infrastructure project in the country’s history, in Malé’s southeastern corner. “The government believes it is a right of each Maldivian citizen for an arrangement to view up close how this is proceeding”, said Housing Minister Dr Mohamed Muiz, who signed the agreement on behalf of the government.

The platform will seat 350 people. It will also include a restaurant, a parking zone, and a children’s area, to be developed on a plot of about 10,000 square feet at the former surf point. The local company chosen for constructing Maldives mega project is Strada Pvt. Ltd. and is a parent concern of the above mentioned Newport Restaurant and describes itself on Facebook as a “multifaceted investment company” with holdings in food and beverage, brand franchising and event management, operates the Newport restaurant. As already mentioned above, last year, the anti-corruption watchdog investigated allegations of corruption in an MVR3.7 million (US$240,00) catering deal awarded to the same restaurant by the president’s office. Strada Pvt. Ltd.'s Director Zahid Rameez, who signed the platform agreement on behalf of the company, is a member of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ executive council.

Maldives largest infrastructure project yet, US$210 million “China-Maldives Friendship” bridge is a key campaign pledge of President Abdulla Yameen. The mega construction project is to be financed with US$126 million in grant aid and a concessionary loan from China along with US$12.6 million from the Maldivian state budget. 

The 1.39km-long and 20.3m-wide bridge will span from Malé’s eastern edge to the western corner of the island of Hulhulé, where the airport is located, and connect the capital to the suburb Hulhumalé. President Yameen plans to relocate 70 percent of the Maldives population, presently scattered across 188 islands, to a new ‘Youth City’ in Hulhumalé. 

Among the rumors of halting of construction work on the project and the minister holding a press conference to dismiss rumours that the government was facing difficulties in financing the bridge and that construction work on the bridge had come to a halt, Anti-Corruption Commision's (ACC) investigation into this mega project reveal that this US$210 million mega construction project has been awarded to company “CCCC Second Harbour Engineering” directly by President's office, under closed bidding system, but President's office have refused to specify exact figure. The contractor chosen for this mega construction project, CCCC Second Harbour Engineering, was blacklisted by the World Bank over fraudulent practices during a road improvement project in the Philippines, fact which was clearly overlooked by President Yameen's office while awarding the contract. Awarding of this mega project also has drawn allegations of corruption from international agencies and people of Maldives but President Yameen's government has already signed the deal in record time.

After the alleged scam of US$ 1.6bn in selling and leasing atolls to International resort chains and being successfully able to curb any and every voice raised against the scam, President Yameen is again back to his evil ways of looting money from people of Maldives. President Yameen seems to be bringing Maldives back to dictatorship ways, robbing away Maldives money and declaring himself unquestionable by any administrative or judicial authority. With most of Yameen's political rivals in exile or jailed, media's freedom of expression curbed, protest of Maldivian people crushed brutally by force, President Yameen currently stands unrivaled and the only force of Maldives and with no one to question or prosecute him, President Yameen proceeds to perform scam after scan to rob people of Maldives in any and every possible way.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

On 7:15 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments
In the wake of USD 1.6bn corruption scandal surrounding Maldives and the resulting deterioration of democracy in our country, I, on behalf of “People of Maldives” write this open letter to the “President of Maldives”.

Dear Mr. President,President of Maldives, representing our Nation to our people, and also to the whole world. You have been trusted by citizens of Maldives who seek to mend the evils of our condition by reasoned experiment within the framework of the existing political system. People of Maldives expected new and bolder methods to be tried so that Maldives may date the first chapter of a new economic era from your accession to office of President.

At the moment your sympathizers in Maldives are nervous and sometimes despondent. The people of Maldives wonder whether the order of different urgencies is rightly understood, whether there is a confusion of aim, and whether some of the advice you get is not crack-brained and queer. Citizens of Maldives hold wildly distorted view of what is happening in Maldives and are deeply concerned and seek explanation from their President about the recent happenings. The average citizens believes that you are engaged on a self financial enhancement expedition in face of poor advice, that the best hope lies in your ridding yourself of your present President position and to return to the old ways of democratic Freedom, Human Rights and Liberties, and that otherwise Maldives is heading for some ghastly breakdown. Maldives is not convinced with your policy that we, the citizens of Maldives, only have to sit back and wait, in order to see what we shall see. May I crave your attention, whilst I put my own view?

I, as a citizen of Maldives, am scared that our country is being sold to International communities and the nation's money is being used to fulfill your own financial needs and economic condition. We criticized recent change in the law that allows the government to sell islands without competitive bids, turning the whole process opaque and beneficial to few in power positions of the government. Gayoom family and a handful of well-connected resort owners anyway control most of the country’s wealth, making the whole process non transparent will further increase the financial difference in the country by making you and your political allies richer and the remaining whole Maldives poorer. Most of Maldivians anyway eke out a meager existence by fishing or working in the tourism industry, we see no way out of our misery with your government promoting and enhancing the corrupt policies. Maldives has already been in clutches of corruption, be it the

Myanmar oil sales, using of double invoicing system to disguise the nature of the government transactions, and many such incidents that shame the state of democracy in “Republic of Maldives”.

Not stopping on just robbing the citizens of Maldives of their billions of dollars, your regime's governance banned former journalists with the now-defunct newspaper, Haveeru, from working at any other organization, saying it could only lead to authoritarianism and the end of democracy. The court’s verdict not only violates the fundamental rights of all the journalists which it targets, but it also confirms, if need be, that the judiciary is serving your regime's government policy to suppress critical and independent media in the country. This point is evident to people of our country with incidents like Raajje TV journalists facing trials, journalist Ahmed Rilwan still missing, Addu Live blocked, CNM's closure, etc. With your regime's recent crackdown on freedom of speech on media and murder and torture of journalist, we the people are forced to ask you if Journalism is Crime In the Maldives?

Not content with just the robbing of Maldives money and curbing free speech of media to supress the issue, you also engaged in preventing people of Maldives from organizing peaceful protest against your regime's governance by unleashing violent police action against own people. You are getting opposition leaders arrested if they demonstrate against your regime by declaring them as terrorist, leaving Maldives with no prominent leaders. Even government figures in your dictator style regime fear being arrested on “treason” charges”, if they fail to comply to your demands. Now with raids on the offices of a newspaper and a human rights NGO and cancelled passports of fugitive opposition figures, almost all of your presidential key rivals are either in jail or living in exile. Your actions are evident of the fact that under the veil of democracy, you plan to bring Maldives under your dictatorship, autocratic rule and repressive past.

Your action shames whole of Republic of Maldives as the condition of Maldives is worst it's even been. But despite heavy restrictions, rallies regularly take place against your regime, showing the will and consent of people to be rid of your evil regime. Many of the protesters are pushing for a democratic transition, and are worried about losing their recently gained human rights and democratic freedoms. Maldives has already seen a strict defamation law come in to force, with stiff punishments for comments or actions considered insulting to Islam or which "contradict general social norms", and tighter restrictions on demonstrations. People and journalists are already facing death threats, harassments & murder attempts, now we are seeing the courts and the laws silence the people and journalists.

In spite of such harsh crackdown on freedom and human rights of people of Maldives, I would like you to know that the people of the Maldives will find a way to get rid of your dictator regime. Not only have you lost all support from the people and within your own political party, but also do not have any kind of support from the independent institutions or from the security forces. We, the people of Maldives know for sure that there is no other way out of this messy situation in Maldives, than to make moves against your presidential seat and make attempt to 'legally' overthrow your corrupt pseudo-democratic and pro-dictatorship government regime.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

On 3:29 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  This submission from the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative draws attention to serious failures of the Maldives government to make progress on six priority areas identified by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) in February 2016.

CHRI visited the Maldives from 4-7 September, 2016.

CHRI expresses grave apprehension at the continuing and persistent deterioration of human rights, rule of law and democracy in the Maldives.It is clear that the government is not engaging sincerely with the Commonwealth or the United Nations to implement reforms that will
strengthen democratic institutions and enable realization of fundamental rights.

CHRI express concern about the mounting allegations of corruption against officials at the highest political level. The release of “Stealing Paradise”, a documentary by Qatar-based Al Jazeera reveals the involvement of President Yameen and his deputies in massive theft and
money laundering.

The documentary lends weight to previous allegations made by several of President Yameen’s former deputies of his close involvement with criminal gangs in the archipelago. 4 Yet, the government has not shown any inclination to investigate these very serious allegations
and bring the perpetrators to account.

CHRI strongly believes that the current environment is not at all conducive to free and fair presidential elections due in 2018.CHRI is worried that, if allowed to continue, the situation will soon push the island(maldives) nation into the brink of violence and anarchy.

CHRI urges firm action by the Commonwealth, in particular by CMAG, at its 2016 meeting.
 With respect to the six priority areas, we note the following

Political Dialogue:CMAG’s last meeting in April, the United Nations advisor Mr Tamrat Samuel was appointed at the invitation of the government to revive all-party talks.
The government’s lack of commitment and sincerity to the talks has been evident right from the start. President Yameen’s administration refuses to comply with the demand of opposition parties to release jailed political leaders as a way to demonstrate its good will.TheYameen's government has branded the Maldivian United Opposition as unlawful, claiming the coalition has no legal status, as it is not registered as a political party.

On 27 August, 2016, the parliament passed an amendment to the Political Parties Act of
2013 mandating re-registration of all members of political parties using forms requiring fingerprints.The amendment applies retroactively which means parties established before this requirement was first introduced in 2010 will have to submit fingerprints of all members, or face de-registration.These actions not only signal the government’s unwillingness to initiate.political dialogue, but also indicate that the government is taking steps to actively impede and obstruct any kind of political dialogue.

Release of political prisoners: No steps have been taken to enable release of jailed political leaders. The country’s Supreme Court has upheld sentences of several political leaders without responding to arguments and concerns regarding fair trial and due process of law raised by several international bodies including the Commonwealth.
President Nasheed’s conviction wasupheld by the Court on the grounds that his legal rights were protected at the lower courts, he was provided adequate time to prepare his defence, and had been given access to a lawyer. 12 This is in sharp contrast to the observations of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that ruled Nasheed’s imprisonment to be “politically motivated” and “arbitrary” .President Yameen pardoned 169 offenders serving criminal offences under Section 29 of the Clemency Act.

Abuse of Anti-Terrorism Act and other Legislations: In brazen disregard to its commitment to the CMAG, the government of the Maldives continues to persecute political leaders and public officials. Ahmed Mahloof, the only independent member of parliament, was convicted on two consecutive charges of obstruction of duty and sentenced to 10 months and 24 days in jail.Vice President Ahmed Adeeb was convicted on two counts of terrorism with a cumulative sentence of up to 25 years. Both these cases only confirm the pattern whereby political leaders who are either critical or opposed to the current administration are being targeted and reveal the politicized nature of the justice system in the Maldives.

Separation of powers and independence of judiciary:  judicial independence continue in the Maldives, particularly to curtail powers of the independent Judicial Service Commission (JSC), a constitutional body.Apex court is using its control over lower courts not to ensure adherence to standards of fair trial and protection of constitutional rights, but to influence the administration of justice in the interest of the government.On 15 February 2016, the chief judge of the Criminal Court, Judge Abdullah, was transferred to the Family Court following his refusal to order former Prosecutor General Muhthaz Muhsin’s detention.

He was replaced instead by Judge Abdul Bari Yoosuf, a highly controversial judge now under fire for his conduct in the trials and sentencing of leading opposition leaders.

Freedom and space for civil society: The Maldives continues to curtail fundamental freedoms through regressive legislative measures and numerous incidents of harassment and violence against journalists.Maldives passed the Protection of Reputation and Good Name and Freedom of Expression Act, popularly known as the Defamation Act, on 10 August 2016.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

On 4:52 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

On 7th September 2016, we all were glued to Al Jazeera news . Its twitter updates were being followed sincerely and everyone was waiting for 'Stealing Paradise', a documentary by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit. It showed that how the Maldives government "controls all the levels of state" and often uses them for nefarious purposes. Below are some highlights of the documentary.

  • President's ministers and aides had plotted to launder up to $1.5bn through the South Asian nation's central bank, with the help of secretive businessmen from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. They planned to fly in cash at up to $100m at a time, pass it through the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) and transfer it back out.
  •  President Yameen, through his former deputy had siphoned off millions in state funds, hijacked state institutions and bribed state officials including judges, lawyers and parliamentarians to exert his authoritarian power over the whole country.
  • Mohamed ‘Moho’ Latheef who ran the front company through which nearly USD80 million was siphoned off told Al Jazeera that president Yameen was aware of the whole scheme.“President Yameen will know me personally. I was there and I was managing some of their funds,” Latheef, who is among the eight suspects wanted in connection to the blast aboard the presidential speedboat last year. The whole system is corrupted," says Moho of the Maldives under President Yameen. "Since he came to power, he has been bribing the MPs, the judges, lawyers and everyone else.
  • "Mohamed "Oittey" Hussain was Vice President Adeeb's driver. Older than the other "bros", he explains how Adeeb was his "childhood friend" from school and how they played football and later studied together in Sri Lanka.When he was tourism minister, Adeeb's official driver was unreliable, so he ended up asking Oittey to drive and deliver bags of cash as well."I have given money to the president," he added calmly.
  • Sources and text message conversations reveal the Maldives judiciary is far from independent. Senior judges have received money and luxury flats and meet regularly with the president and his deputy, who meddle in high-profile cases and judicial appointments.
  •  In one text message, the former prosecutor-general declares absolute loyalty to Vice President Ahmed Adeeb. The text messages show the president and his deputy spent six months working to save Judge Hameed from being debarred after he was embroiled in a sex scandal.

After the release of this documentary The police have raided the Maldives Independent office in Malé with a court warrant over an alleged coup plot. This could be the result of documentary 'Stealing Paradise', as it features an interview with Zaheena Rasheed, the editor of this publication, along with leading figures from the opposition and former members of watchdog bodies. The documentary has brought Pres.Yameen's real face as a corrupt and dictator in front of the world. Now we have to see that how will the president cope up with his drowning image as a President. Though one thing is for sure that Pres. Yameen or PPM is not coming back in 2018!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

On 12:04 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Elwira Szczecian doesn’t remember a single summer in the last ten years that hasn’t included a trip to the Maldives. Her visits often last for up to 40 days and involve a usual mix of diving, sunbathing and photography.

This year, the Polish photographer and her businessman husband returned to their home in Rome after spending only a week in the tropics. There won’t be another trip for the next ten years – that’s the duration for which the Maldives immigration department has handed the couple a travel ban last week.

“It happened very quickly,” she says on July 31, a day after she landed in Italy. “I was in the capital city of Malé. We were standing next to the crowd [of anti-government protestors] and taking photos. That’s when the police came and arrested us.”

 The news of her arrest spread quickly on Twitter, helped by the presence of local media and bystanders who filmed the police escorting her away from the venue. The police later accused Elwira, who has occasionally worked as a photojournalist, of “practising journalism” after entering the Maldives on a tourist visa.

 But for a country that has over a million visitors from across the world every year, it’s not unusual for journalists to use the ‘visa on arrival’ facility for tourists to expedite their reportage. Although Elwira denies the charge vehemently, for observers, her detention was yet another sign of the government’s ongoing efforts to silence its dissenters.

 Before her visit this year, Elwira was aware that the country’s political climate was far from amicable. In the past year, three media outlets – news websites CNM and Addu Live, and Haveeru, the oldest newspaper in the country – were forced to shut down after a series of reportage unfavourable of the government. The past week saw at least two opposition-aligned politicians being summoned for tweeting criticism of the establishment.

 Since the last week of July, the opposition, led by the exiled former President Mohamed Nasheed, has been holding anti-government protest rallies every night. On the evening of July 28, it was one such protest that the couple stumbled on as they travelled to the capital city.

 At the police station, the two were questioned for their links to the opposition parties and the ongoing protests. Despite repeated requests, they weren’t allowed to contact a lawyer or the Polish and Italian embassies.

  After several rounds of interrogation, the two were taken to a detention centre where they were photographed, strip-searched and had their belongings taken away. 

  The next day, the police presented the couple to the criminal court and argued to extend the period of arrest. “We argued that the couple were visiting on a holiday and were staying at a resort.
 On returning to the police headquarters to collect their belongings, they were told that the immigration department has instructed them to leave the country.

 In November 2015, four journalists from German public broadcaster ARD were deported citing ‘improper permits’. 

 Elwira is yet to come to terms with being banned from her summer getaway. “In all these years, we never saw a situation so restrictive that you cannot take a photo on the street,” she says. And even if she were there as a journalist, she quips.

source-  http://maldivesindependent.com/politics/deported-for-practising-journalism-125938