Friday, February 19, 2016

On 5:09 AM by Freedom Rally   No comments

Today a feeling of aggression is creating havoc inside me. After listening the news of Sheikh Imran's imprisonment for 12 years, it seemed as if someone is telling me to keep my mouth shut. That even our law restricts our freedom of speech and has showed us an example of their extremism in doing so. The reason behind Sheikh Imran's imprisonment in itself is an act of terrorism . This man just encouraged everyone to fight for their rights and wished peace with justice for Maldives. But what did he got? Prison.

Earlier too, people who showed courage by speaking the truth or fought for morality were either imprisoned,threatened or murdered.

While watching all this , it has become difficult for me to just sit in the comfort of my home, continue to pay rent and remain a slave of this Government. It makes me angry that not enough has been done from my side to stop these things.

Almost all the main opposition leaders are in prison. This government is mocking Maldives by celebrating democracy week when Maldives is continued to be ruled by a dictator. They are laughing at us by not fulfilling our basic needs in the fields like Health,Education ,Safety etc. The Government or Pres.Yameen are making merry from our money through corruption. Our country is being ruled by beasts. PPM and Pres.Yameen are a bunch of beasts, hungry for our money.

And from now, my pledge is to not only raise my voice against them but also to be persistent in my actions.

Coz, from today I refuse to be enslaved by PPM and tolerate their nuisances.