Thursday, January 7, 2016

On 10:36 PM by Freedom Rally in , , , ,    No comments

For 30 consecutive years, we were ruled by a dictator but at the moment we are being fooled by one. President Yameen seems more of a burglar than a representative of our nation.

In the past few weeks there has been news of Yameen's involvement in different cases like Rilwan's abduction , Dr. Afrasheem's murder, Money laundering, Drug trafficking, selling our islands etc. Eminent leaders like Ali Waheed and Dr. Jameel also accused him of corruption along his wife.

The hospitals and schools of our country are underdeveloped due to lack of funds but the Government is buying private jet for Prez. Yameen. We are dying while paying our house rents,women are being abused, crime rate is increasing day and night. Youth is going towards hell through abusing drugs. And thanks to the Govt. because its taking more loans to burden us.

Do we deserve such governance ?

Is Prez. Yameen a right man to lead our nation ?

Is Maldives safe in his hands ?

We all know the answers and its a shame that we are not doing enough to change this scenario. Significant people have been either killed or jailed for saying anything against this dark regime. Still there are people who continue to fight and it is all happening for our sake. 

Therefore, its time for us to gather all our courage and become the light which will tear off this cloak of Yameen's dark regime!!!

Maldives needs to be saved by MALDIVIANS NOW!!!!


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