Saturday, October 31, 2015

On 2:00 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Yameen and Adeeb were looting the country together till July 2015 but suddenly arrest of Adeeb has left many question behind it.

Dispute between Adeeb and Yammen is for money rather than power. Both of them were selling the nation to china. After the boycott of tourism by Europian countries China came into the scene. In China the tourist follow the government diction. If government want they will go to any destination.This make a good oppertunity of Chines businessmen. They wanted to own the Maldives proporty for ever. China invested a huge amount in the tourism sector of Maldives with a purpose and it was promised that the more chinese tourist will visit Maldives.

    This way China is planning to capture real state, lands and property. Strategically Maldives is very importent for China.It is also part of its string of pearl,One belt one road.In that way they one using Maldivians for their strategic goal.They gave a huge amount to the Maldivian government.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

On 5:23 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  •  Who is not with YAG would be arrested.
  •   President is more concern for money rather than instability of the country.
  •  Unfortunately, Maldives is being isolated due to all wrong doings of the president.
  •  The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections
  •  A true democracy is the need for Maldives.
After continuous raids on his close relatives and associates finally Adeeb is arrested.  Ministers and other high rank security officials is continuously being arrested. President can't believe its ministers and ministers are trying to kill President. There is a fear amongst the people , the development process is stopped, human right violation is  increasing day by day.  In four month two VP has been removed in different cases. There is a negative impression of Maldives in the world. This shows the instability of the government.
              Like many other people, I also love my country very much and I  am worried what is happening these days. A government should be voice of people but sorry to say, here the scene is fully opposite. Government is trying its best to suppressing its people. There are some people who are doing this for their own benefit. They are not thinking about the country. Unfortunately , the President is leading these type of people. VP is trying to kill his President, how worst the situation is and who is responsible for all these things, none another than our President.

The responsibility of the president is not only lead the country but also make their people happy, make sure of their right, security, education , make a strong position of its country in the world. Present scenerio is making me remember of the day before independent even at that time the situation is not worst than today. They were not our people, their moto was clear. And today our President along with his group and supporters is doing the same. Today, Maldives is in the world's news only  for negative reason. Can we say that we are living in 21st century?

 Three years ago the situation was totally different. We had a leader who could lead our country efficiently. Who was popular amongst its people. Who thought for its people , live for them.
In spite of who is in power, stability, peace, security and justice are key for the country. Yameen should priorities these over anything else, yet he cannot guarantee these for the public or for himself either. The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections.

We have to open our eyes , come out of your house raise a voice against government's corruption for our right , for our beloved country. It is in your hand to save your children's future.


Monday, October 19, 2015

On 8:34 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  • Adeeb wants Motion of impeasement against YAG
  • YAG will never release Raees Nasheed
  • YAG is unable to handle Raees Nasheed Matter and the country is being isolated due to his arrogance
  • Adeeb might arrest anytime

Most of the People in Maldives and the International community are in favor of release of Raees Nasheed.last month  the decision of UNWGAD decision is also against the Maldivian government despite this YAG is  agree to free him. YAG is not taking any interest in domestic as well as international matters and he is more concern to save his regime. 

His every step is against the country and due to his arrogance our country is being isolated.It is sure that he will never release Raees. The continuous protest of MDP has been inaffective due to poor leadership. Now there are three groups in PPM one is with YAG the second group is with senior Gayoom and the third group is with Adeeb. Adeeb wants to release Raees Nasheed on surity that he would never be sent to jail in future for the corruption he did in past. 

He tried to make Raees Naheed release in July but YAG was not agreed and a rift between them started from then. 

Adeeb alongwith his blind supporters like Ahmed Nihan, Ibrahim Sghujan, Ahmed Tariq, Mohd Mustafa and Mohd Ismail, wants motion of impeasement against YAG. He is trying it with the help of MDP and also contacted some PPM MPs but the PPM MPs were not convinced and he couldn't sucsseed in his plan. Many reports and facts are showing Adeeb's hand behind the attack on pesident's boat. 

On the other hand YAG is sure about Adeeb's steps and thats why he has started taking action against him and his aides. YAG already taken away the power of tourism ministry from Adeeb. The day is not far when Adeeb would be arrested alongwith his group.

Monday, October 12, 2015

On 4:04 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Boat blast after september 28 has changed the situation of adeeb.Adeeb what nowdayes is seen politically isolated. VP by virtue of the treaty should be to meet the minister of overseas sales,but he has gone missing after blast.recently came in the Pakistani and Indian deligesi he stayed away or put away. For what reason it has been a question that has.

some reason about==

1-President Yameen boat blast came in the way the name of the first causeAdeeb.
                                                                                                                          2-Second reason has to be the ambition of Adeeb's Vice President.He is Youngest VP has the chairman is to be.

3-Adeeb is plenty of money so they can buy the MPs.

4-Yameen think it can deceive consist of other political party.

5-Adeeb has been accused of corruption cases and gang violence. These cases allegedly involve millions of Rufiyaa. He is also allegedly involved in the mysterious disappearance of journalist Rilwan Abdulla.

6-Despite the decision by pro-government media outlets, President Yameen’s presidential campaign for 2018 has almost begun. Trainings had begun to create leaders for the elections. The threat to Adeeb’s political career was also seen in the symposium as he was not seen in any posters.

7- Adeeb are related to jihadist group.

8-Experts say if a business expands too widely in a short period of time, it has more chances of going bankrupt. In my opinion Adeeb’s political career is also at the brink of bankruptcy.

This could mean that Adeeb’s career could end or Adeeb may lose a lot of political powers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

On 12:24 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

                  .  Incapabilty of MNDF
                  . Accident or consipiracy
                  . Investigation by foreign agencies
                  .change in president's security

     The government’s silence has fuelled speculation among the public, with suspicion cast on religious extremists and alleged factions within the government.
The explosion follows a threatening video message posted on Youtube bearing the Isis logo, in which three gunmen were seen threatening to kill the President within 30 days unless the government withdrew its new anti-terrorism

A big question rised Why change protection system of  president? Is MNDF failure our duties? The structure of MNDF is not capable .
 MNDF is only one protection group for internal and external matters of maldives.No clear evidence found about boat blast.Maldives waiting result by internal and external foreign expert.But it is clear MNDF are failure in our duties.Maldivian want to know who is behind the boat blast as heart ISIS, political stunt,Or MNDF incapability.But one thing is clear MNDF have low capability.IN this condition, You can say demonding of time to change our security.Behind blast,previously responcible is MNDF likly or unlikly.

        The head of the military’s Special Protection Group (SPG), tasked with protecting the head of state and other officials, has been replaced in the wake of a mysterious blast onboard the president’s speedboat last week.
MNDF spokesperson Major Adnan Mohamed declined to confirm Fayaz’s transfer and said it was not the military’s policy to comment on “changes to organisational structure.”But “routine changes are made from time to time,” he added.

     The president on Tuesday formed an advisory committee with three high-ranking police and army officers, including the heads of the military and police intelligence departments, to ensure such incidents do not take place in the future.
The blast occurred around 8:00am on September 28 while President Abdulla Yameen was returning to Malé after performing the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

     The foreign experts departed earlier this week, but the authorities have not   revealed any details of the investigation. It remains unclear whether the blast was an accident or involved foul play.

     In this condition maldivian are confused and waiting foreign expert report.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

On 11:35 PM by Freedom Rally in    No comments


*-Vice president extols friendship with India and China
*-Adeeb supports china
*-India-china controversy for Maldives
*-Large debt provided by china
*-China dismiss building military bases(officially said)

Before the 2013 presidential elections, which were delayed by controversial Supreme Court orders after Nasheed emerged as the frontrunner, Beijing called for “national stability and social development” to be maintained in the Maldives. China had rarely issued any statement concerning internal matters of the Maldives until the time.

On January 28, China announced a plan to construct 1,500 housing units in the Maldives. “We will work with the Maldivian side on how to make the best use of Chinese grant aid and the concessional loans to further benefit the economic and social development of Maldives,” Chinese ambassador Wang Fukang said.
   Adeeb sai

d: “China is one of the closest friends and one of the most important development partners of Maldives.

Adeeb described The Chines investment,like, a Chinese Navy hospital ship, Peace Ark, arrived at the Maldives to provide medical services throughout the country until July 5.

The number of Chinese tourists visiting the Maldives also increased by 44.5 percent in 2013, compared with the previous year, according to the Ministry of Tourism of the Maldives.

       Chines view are alwayes clear "Create fraction and get every thing".Chines are success, reason of PPM and mostly Adeeb.Adeeb heartly welcome chines in all sectors.Every one known about Island sale.But about india no body can say it.Around Indias country like Nepal,Bangladesh,pakistan,Sri lanka are politically not stable like Maldives.India is a democretic country and alwayes try to extend democracy.
          “The Maldives commends India’s pre-eminence in global politics and will continue to support India on issues of regional and international interest.Adeeb described the Indian subcontinent as “a location of strategic importance with rich resources and geographic conveniences”.

 it is of “utmost important to promote further bilateral trade and investment to develop a sustainable infrastructure and work more closely on economic cooperation on key areas of growth.India is reportedly concerned over China’s rising economic presence in the Indian Ocean through its investments in a network of ports encircling India, dubbed the ‘String of Pearls.’

 Rajeev Shahare, Indian high commissioner to the Maldives, said that numerous Indian investors would visit the country for business ventures in the near future.The outgoing high commissioner expressed India’s support for President Abdulla Yameen’s economic policies, such as the special economic zones (SEZ) law. The law offers tax concessions and relaxed regulations for large-scale foreign investments, which have so far not been forthcoming

“As you mentioned, we are waiting and we will be welcoming Indian investments in our economic zones,” Adeeb said, adding that India could play a key role in realising President Yameen’s “ambitious” vision for economic development.

Indo-Maldives relations hit an all-time low in late 2012 following the previous administration’s abrupt termination of a deal with Indian infrastructure giant GMR to manage and develop the Malé international airport. The Indian government subsequently tightened visa requirements for Maldivians and revoked a special quota afforded to the Maldives for the import of aggregate and river sand.

The restrictions were lifted after President Yameen assumed power in November 2013 after prolonged political turmoil.

In late July, Yameen assured India of the Maldives’ commitment to “keep the Indian Ocean a demilitarised zone” following the passage of controversial amendments to the constitution that authorised foreign freeholds in the country.

After the MDP expressed concern with the unprecedented changes facilitating “foreign non-commercial logistical installations in the Maldives,” China dismissed the possibility of building military bases in the Maldives.

Yameen had meanwhile said in his Republic Day address that his administration would be “looking east” towards China as a development partner, slamming undue interference in domestic affairs by “Western colonial powers.”

In June this year, Yameen declared that Sino-Maldives relations are at an “all-time high” with the establishment of a cooperative partnership between the countries last year. The Chinese government has pledged US$100 million as grant aid for the construction of a bridge connecting Malé and the reclaimed island Hulhumalé, whilst negotiations for a free trade agreement between the countries are due to begin in October.