Thursday, June 11, 2015

On 2:10 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , , , ,    No comments

Rumors in the power corridors are that Adheeb also conspiring to replace the Vice President. The theory is that VP is only amongst the top leader present in Male at a time when a big protest is to take place. As mentioned in previous article, many top leaders have chosen this convenient time to go on foreign junket including President Yameen.

Government sources admit that this time the protest is likely to be bigger than the mayday protest. It is also expected that the protest would be joined by a lot of visitors from atolls who happen to be in Male for Ramadan shopping and schools holidays among other things.

Add the learnings from previous experience, protesters are no doubt better prepared and more committed. The decision to carry out a 'sit-in protest' (rather than a March) also gives an edge to June 12 protest as it forces the police to act (and therefore to make mistakes).

If protesters succeed in making a big impact, it will reflect poorly on already tarnished image of Yameen. And if protesters are not allowed a peaceful protest and some mishap takes place, this will invite a barrage of international criticism.

In either case, it is the VP who will take the blame.
Now, some one has to be made the fall guy !

It is more likely than not, Adheeb will stake first claim. (despite his dramatic public denial that he was not a contender). Some observer also see the constitutional amendment (first amendment) which alters the age for President as an attempt to facilitate only Adheeb's rise.

Twitter handles are also abuzz that Adheeb is buying support (through his Team Yageen) with filthy cash, which he has amassed form known and more unknown sources.

(At least now we know where the money looted from poor Maldivians has gone!)

What an able deputy for Yameen.


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