Friday, June 5, 2015

On 1:27 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , ,    No comments

Yameen, the great ruler, President of Maldives is ready for his crowning ceremony. This is happening first time in the history of the world, that a leader is giving himself a recognition, and that too equivalent to HITLER. Yameen will be given guard of honour and he’ll be further called as “Hitler of Asia”. For the same reason, he has called leaders of all the major countries for ceremony and a grand dinner.
Jealous from this decision, North Korea ruler Kim jong looked anxious  and said, “ I was working ao hard for this title, how come this Yameen can crown himself.....…sob!” 
Nazir, a 25 year old professional in Male’ expressed, “This is great moment for our nation! We’re happy and celebrating. Moments like this come once in a history. Hail yameeeen!”
I’m going with my family to witness the grandest event. The way he has tackled the country after Nasheed arrest can’t be compared. Injustice, corruption and police brutality is on rise. This is what we wanted from years. Democracy is raped! ” he said.
Jahadami, 35, a school teacher said, “We’re very fortunate that we’re born in Maldives. First we were nurtured by Gayoom, and now by Yameen. Crowning himself, that too with the title of Asia’s hitler is something out of this world. I mean how many people are lucky enough do that in their life? I am sad that Abdulla Ameen is not crowning him. I wish police again start beating people on that auspicious day too.”


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