Friday, June 5, 2015

  1. He remains a figurehead for the promotion of human rights and democracy in Islamic countries, and an international icon for action against climate change.

    But who cares, he should be jailed and rather hanged! 

    2. In historic democratic polls in 2008, Nasheed was elected President, sweeping away 30 years of one-man rule, ended Asia's longest serving ruler and brought democracy. 

    But he did wrong. He shouldn't have fight for fight people's rights. He should be dragged again to jail.

    3.   Nasheed was named an Amnesty International “Prisoner of Conscience,” and is widely credited for playing an instrumental part in bringing freedom and democracy to the Maldives. 

    But for government, He's a TERRORIST!

     4. In 2009, to highlight the Maldives’ vulnerability to rising sea levels, Nasheed famously held a meeting of his cabinet underwater. Nasheed also implemented policies to turn the Maldives into the world’s first carbon neutral country by 2020.

    World calls him “Global President” and our government torture him daily! Yes he deserve this!

  1. Nasheed was forced to resign the presidency under the threat of violence, in a coup d’etat perpetrated by security forces loyal to former president Gayoom.  
    Yes! Nasheed should be ashamed of what all he did for Maldives and people should actually support Yameen.

P.s : If this doesn't boil your blood, nothing can. Get up, be ready and come out of your home on 12 June.


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