Friday, June 12, 2015

There is a rumour going viral on social media that Maldivian Army top brass has expressed reservations about being drawn into the civil protest being held in Maldives.
This corroborates earlier media reports that Yameen had reservations about Army involvement in controlling protesters. Sources say that Army had equal reservations about Yameen as well.
Two questions:
Second question – how such leak took place? But the first question is- why there is so much distrust between the government and Army?
Like most of the things in Maldives, this issue is very complicated.
From the historical time Army has not only been custodian of country’s territorial integrity but also its morality and country’s image. Many brave Maldivians have sacrificed their lives to glory. Equally important to note is that governments have also given Army, as an institution, due respect.
At least most of the times.
One exception was 1930s during the reign of Sultan Mohammad Shamsuddeen III. It was the first time when Army was tinkered with. However, this did not last and most of the changes were withdrawn, practically.
This is second time only in the history of Island when Army is being disturbed again.
There is no secret that Maldivian Army loved the then President Nasheed. But then most of Maldives loved Nasheed. In fact he was loved by a large number of people worldover – primarily by pro-democracy supporters and green-activists. So why should it be a crime for Army. One can’t ignore the fact that personal likings and disliking has never clouded army’s actions.
The secret of Yameen’s fear lies in his own conduct.
History is witness that dictators, especially those who come to power by coup, remain afraid for their survival. Dictators therefore tend to rely on Army’s brute power to remain at helm. But in case of Maldives (exceptionally) the Army has kept its decorum and has refused to become a puppet institution and an instrument of repression of its own people.
It is therefore understandable that Yameen would not want to engage Army in quelling protests.
However, now that Army has also refused to be part of the government brute force, it remains to be seen how Yameen will deal with the situation. Army’s refusal has also put the police under strain. The discontent within the police personnel may further get deepened. This rumbling would not auger well for Police.
In all, this is at least a good news for protesters. Ameen ;)


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