Tuesday, December 15, 2015

On 11:32 PM by Freedom Rally   No comments

 Today morning a picture of a conversation between Yameen and Adheeb was being shared on social media. One could clearly conclude from the chat shown that Yameen was asking Adheeb about some money received from Saudi.Some amount of which has already been transfered to Yameen's account and now Adheeb is trying to liquidate te remaining amount for transaction.

Just a day before, the Chairperson of MDP Ali Waheed accused President Yameen and First lady Fathimath Ibrahim of corruption in a scandle involving the main government company tasked with tourism promotion. According to him, two cheques,each worth USD500,000, had beed deposited to a personal account of the Maldives Islamic Bank(MIB).

And now after this evidence came in light, it seems that these allegations are true. The president needs to answer the question raised by these images.  

Friday, December 11, 2015

On 2:49 AM by Freedom Rally in , , ,    No comments

There is an island in Alaska'Shishmaraf'. Its population is merely 650. they have already lost 2,500 to 3,000 feet of land to coastal erosion. And they are aware that their island will erode away completely. A similar case is of 'Marshall island'. They too are facing difficulty due to climate change.Reading about them, scared me to hell because my nation 'Maldives' is also standing in the line, waiting to be disappeared. There are international summits happening around the globe but no one is representing us.

From outside my nation is beautiful, peaceful and serene. Though from the inside it is a battle ground. everyone is fighting for something. Politicians for power,activists for rights,buisnessmen for profit and common people like us for our livelihood.In this circus, my nation is fighting alone with the climate change for our survival. It is bearing all the attrocities of global warming alone.If Maldives vanishes then all the other battles are worthless. We may need to shift as environmental refugees in other countries. the world as we know it won't exist. Nothing will be left to fight for.

I have read about some revolutions and in each of them, there was a single man standing in front. But his power always remained in the common people like you and me. Whether it was 'Che Guevara' or 'Nelson Mandela'. These people stood with them , fought with them and eventualy won. The common people belived in their cause, they understood the motive which was beneficial for all. Without them no revolution was possible.

Looking at the present scenario in our country. This is our time to start a revolution. One to save 'Maldives'! We already have a leader,'Mohamed Nasheed'. He understands the importance of our survival and puts it even before democracy. Let us stand for him now else no one will be left to stand with us.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

On 3:39 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , ,    No comments

 Today,we don't have much to say as someone from our readers have said almost everything.Take a look and share your views. Other than this MDP is organising a protest on 27 November at artificial beach. The protest starts at 4:15 pm. We hope that this time you all will stand strong with Nasheed for Maldive.

Here is the poem sent by a reader like you..

My Maldives

Is it justice
or my life,
why I say this
cause Maldives is my home.

After knowing,
you see islands.
Lavish,full of life.
You hear,
sound of waves.
You do,
dive in the deep.

But for me ,
there is nothing,
just some clashes between politicians,
protests for my freedom,
a hero in jail,
salty water to drink
and a country
to shrink....

P.S- Do add your comments. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

On 4:20 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

     Abdula Yameen is very famous In Maldives. He was appointed as Minister of trade and industries in November 1993. In addition to the role he also letter become the minister of Higher Education,Employment and Social Security (2005-2007) and as minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation (2008).

   But the real reason for Yameen's notoriety is his allged career as the archipelego's top criminal and involvement in the drugs trade. Singaporean police are reportedly investigating in an international money laundering racket thought to be worth up to US$800 million-if accurate, a staggering 80 percent of the Maldives annual GDP.

    The Maldives receives subsidised oil from OPEC nation thanks to its 100 percent sunni Muslim population. The Gayooms brought oil,saying it was for Maldives, and sold it to Myanmar on the international black market. As Myanmar is facing international sanctions, the junta secretly sold the Burmese and 'Maldivian' oil to certain Asian countries, including a wannabe superpower”, alleged Chakrabarti, who is writing a book on Gayoom's administration and the democracy movement that led to its fall. Yameen runs a smuggling and drugs operation in Male using a company called “C&G”as a cover.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

On 2:59 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

At the same time there is a news in media that Yameen is suffering with life threatening disease. Adeeb become slow in his planing since after Yameen's death he was the obvious president. However during his visit of Germany Yameen got a ray of hope. It was told by German doctors that they have the treatment of the disease and the disease was curable. At the one side Yameen was happy while It was shocking news for VP. He was unable to understand how he should go. Now Yameen was the main barrier in his aim and he was only one way to fulfill his ambition and that is to kill Yameen at any cost.

        Further he conspires the blast on the president boat but President Yameen was unhurt in the blast in. Adeeb along with his team had been arrested for assassination of President. Now Yameen is showing his friend countries that he is the only boss and he is going to sell the nation the way he wants to do. While Mr. Gayoom and his sons/daughter also want their share and thats why they are becoming close to him day by day. It would be interesting to see the next step of Yameen.

        So scene is clear that the fight is only for money rather than Power. Every corrupt people want a share and they are ready to do anything for this. Now It is only the people of the Maldives who can save their nation and none another than that

Saturday, October 31, 2015

On 2:00 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Yameen and Adeeb were looting the country together till July 2015 but suddenly arrest of Adeeb has left many question behind it.

Dispute between Adeeb and Yammen is for money rather than power. Both of them were selling the nation to china. After the boycott of tourism by Europian countries China came into the scene. In China the tourist follow the government diction. If government want they will go to any destination.This make a good oppertunity of Chines businessmen. They wanted to own the Maldives proporty for ever. China invested a huge amount in the tourism sector of Maldives with a purpose and it was promised that the more chinese tourist will visit Maldives.

    This way China is planning to capture real state, lands and property. Strategically Maldives is very importent for China.It is also part of its string of pearl,One belt one road.In that way they one using Maldivians for their strategic goal.They gave a huge amount to the Maldivian government.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

On 5:23 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  •  Who is not with YAG would be arrested.
  •   President is more concern for money rather than instability of the country.
  •  Unfortunately, Maldives is being isolated due to all wrong doings of the president.
  •  The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections
  •  A true democracy is the need for Maldives.
After continuous raids on his close relatives and associates finally Adeeb is arrested.  Ministers and other high rank security officials is continuously being arrested. President can't believe its ministers and ministers are trying to kill President. There is a fear amongst the people , the development process is stopped, human right violation is  increasing day by day.  In four month two VP has been removed in different cases. There is a negative impression of Maldives in the world. This shows the instability of the government.
              Like many other people, I also love my country very much and I  am worried what is happening these days. A government should be voice of people but sorry to say, here the scene is fully opposite. Government is trying its best to suppressing its people. There are some people who are doing this for their own benefit. They are not thinking about the country. Unfortunately , the President is leading these type of people. VP is trying to kill his President, how worst the situation is and who is responsible for all these things, none another than our President.

The responsibility of the president is not only lead the country but also make their people happy, make sure of their right, security, education , make a strong position of its country in the world. Present scenerio is making me remember of the day before independent even at that time the situation is not worst than today. They were not our people, their moto was clear. And today our President along with his group and supporters is doing the same. Today, Maldives is in the world's news only  for negative reason. Can we say that we are living in 21st century?

 Three years ago the situation was totally different. We had a leader who could lead our country efficiently. Who was popular amongst its people. Who thought for its people , live for them.
In spite of who is in power, stability, peace, security and justice are key for the country. Yameen should priorities these over anything else, yet he cannot guarantee these for the public or for himself either. The best course of action right now would be for Yameen to resign and make way for multi-party elections.

We have to open our eyes , come out of your house raise a voice against government's corruption for our right , for our beloved country. It is in your hand to save your children's future.


Monday, October 19, 2015

On 8:34 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

  • Adeeb wants Motion of impeasement against YAG
  • YAG will never release Raees Nasheed
  • YAG is unable to handle Raees Nasheed Matter and the country is being isolated due to his arrogance
  • Adeeb might arrest anytime

Most of the People in Maldives and the International community are in favor of release of Raees Nasheed.last month  the decision of UNWGAD decision is also against the Maldivian government despite this YAG is  agree to free him. YAG is not taking any interest in domestic as well as international matters and he is more concern to save his regime. 

His every step is against the country and due to his arrogance our country is being isolated.It is sure that he will never release Raees. The continuous protest of MDP has been inaffective due to poor leadership. Now there are three groups in PPM one is with YAG the second group is with senior Gayoom and the third group is with Adeeb. Adeeb wants to release Raees Nasheed on surity that he would never be sent to jail in future for the corruption he did in past. 

He tried to make Raees Naheed release in July but YAG was not agreed and a rift between them started from then. 

Adeeb alongwith his blind supporters like Ahmed Nihan, Ibrahim Sghujan, Ahmed Tariq, Mohd Mustafa and Mohd Ismail, wants motion of impeasement against YAG. He is trying it with the help of MDP and also contacted some PPM MPs but the PPM MPs were not convinced and he couldn't sucsseed in his plan. Many reports and facts are showing Adeeb's hand behind the attack on pesident's boat. 

On the other hand YAG is sure about Adeeb's steps and thats why he has started taking action against him and his aides. YAG already taken away the power of tourism ministry from Adeeb. The day is not far when Adeeb would be arrested alongwith his group.

Monday, October 12, 2015

On 4:04 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

Boat blast after september 28 has changed the situation of adeeb.Adeeb what nowdayes is seen politically isolated. VP by virtue of the treaty should be to meet the minister of overseas sales,but he has gone missing after blast.recently came in the Pakistani and Indian deligesi he stayed away or put away. For what reason it has been a question that has.

some reason about==

1-President Yameen boat blast came in the way the name of the first causeAdeeb.
                                                                                                                          2-Second reason has to be the ambition of Adeeb's Vice President.He is Youngest VP has the chairman is to be.

3-Adeeb is plenty of money so they can buy the MPs.

4-Yameen think it can deceive consist of other political party.

5-Adeeb has been accused of corruption cases and gang violence. These cases allegedly involve millions of Rufiyaa. He is also allegedly involved in the mysterious disappearance of journalist Rilwan Abdulla.

6-Despite the decision by pro-government media outlets, President Yameen’s presidential campaign for 2018 has almost begun. Trainings had begun to create leaders for the elections. The threat to Adeeb’s political career was also seen in the symposium as he was not seen in any posters.

7- Adeeb are related to jihadist group.

8-Experts say if a business expands too widely in a short period of time, it has more chances of going bankrupt. In my opinion Adeeb’s political career is also at the brink of bankruptcy.

This could mean that Adeeb’s career could end or Adeeb may lose a lot of political powers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

On 12:24 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

                  .  Incapabilty of MNDF
                  . Accident or consipiracy
                  . Investigation by foreign agencies
                  .change in president's security

     The government’s silence has fuelled speculation among the public, with suspicion cast on religious extremists and alleged factions within the government.
The explosion follows a threatening video message posted on Youtube bearing the Isis logo, in which three gunmen were seen threatening to kill the President within 30 days unless the government withdrew its new anti-terrorism

A big question rised Why change protection system of  president? Is MNDF failure our duties? The structure of MNDF is not capable .
 MNDF is only one protection group for internal and external matters of maldives.No clear evidence found about boat blast.Maldives waiting result by internal and external foreign expert.But it is clear MNDF are failure in our duties.Maldivian want to know who is behind the boat blast as heart ISIS, political stunt,Or MNDF incapability.But one thing is clear MNDF have low capability.IN this condition, You can say demonding of time to change our security.Behind blast,previously responcible is MNDF likly or unlikly.

        The head of the military’s Special Protection Group (SPG), tasked with protecting the head of state and other officials, has been replaced in the wake of a mysterious blast onboard the president’s speedboat last week.
MNDF spokesperson Major Adnan Mohamed declined to confirm Fayaz’s transfer and said it was not the military’s policy to comment on “changes to organisational structure.”But “routine changes are made from time to time,” he added.

     The president on Tuesday formed an advisory committee with three high-ranking police and army officers, including the heads of the military and police intelligence departments, to ensure such incidents do not take place in the future.
The blast occurred around 8:00am on September 28 while President Abdulla Yameen was returning to Malé after performing the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

     The foreign experts departed earlier this week, but the authorities have not   revealed any details of the investigation. It remains unclear whether the blast was an accident or involved foul play.

     In this condition maldivian are confused and waiting foreign expert report.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

On 11:35 PM by Freedom Rally in    No comments


*-Vice president extols friendship with India and China
*-Adeeb supports china
*-India-china controversy for Maldives
*-Large debt provided by china
*-China dismiss building military bases(officially said)

Before the 2013 presidential elections, which were delayed by controversial Supreme Court orders after Nasheed emerged as the frontrunner, Beijing called for “national stability and social development” to be maintained in the Maldives. China had rarely issued any statement concerning internal matters of the Maldives until the time.

On January 28, China announced a plan to construct 1,500 housing units in the Maldives. “We will work with the Maldivian side on how to make the best use of Chinese grant aid and the concessional loans to further benefit the economic and social development of Maldives,” Chinese ambassador Wang Fukang said.
   Adeeb sai

d: “China is one of the closest friends and one of the most important development partners of Maldives.

Adeeb described The Chines investment,like, a Chinese Navy hospital ship, Peace Ark, arrived at the Maldives to provide medical services throughout the country until July 5.

The number of Chinese tourists visiting the Maldives also increased by 44.5 percent in 2013, compared with the previous year, according to the Ministry of Tourism of the Maldives.

       Chines view are alwayes clear "Create fraction and get every thing".Chines are success, reason of PPM and mostly Adeeb.Adeeb heartly welcome chines in all sectors.Every one known about Island sale.But about india no body can say it.Around Indias country like Nepal,Bangladesh,pakistan,Sri lanka are politically not stable like Maldives.India is a democretic country and alwayes try to extend democracy.
          “The Maldives commends India’s pre-eminence in global politics and will continue to support India on issues of regional and international interest.Adeeb described the Indian subcontinent as “a location of strategic importance with rich resources and geographic conveniences”.

 it is of “utmost important to promote further bilateral trade and investment to develop a sustainable infrastructure and work more closely on economic cooperation on key areas of growth.India is reportedly concerned over China’s rising economic presence in the Indian Ocean through its investments in a network of ports encircling India, dubbed the ‘String of Pearls.’

 Rajeev Shahare, Indian high commissioner to the Maldives, said that numerous Indian investors would visit the country for business ventures in the near future.The outgoing high commissioner expressed India’s support for President Abdulla Yameen’s economic policies, such as the special economic zones (SEZ) law. The law offers tax concessions and relaxed regulations for large-scale foreign investments, which have so far not been forthcoming

“As you mentioned, we are waiting and we will be welcoming Indian investments in our economic zones,” Adeeb said, adding that India could play a key role in realising President Yameen’s “ambitious” vision for economic development.

Indo-Maldives relations hit an all-time low in late 2012 following the previous administration’s abrupt termination of a deal with Indian infrastructure giant GMR to manage and develop the Malé international airport. The Indian government subsequently tightened visa requirements for Maldivians and revoked a special quota afforded to the Maldives for the import of aggregate and river sand.

The restrictions were lifted after President Yameen assumed power in November 2013 after prolonged political turmoil.

In late July, Yameen assured India of the Maldives’ commitment to “keep the Indian Ocean a demilitarised zone” following the passage of controversial amendments to the constitution that authorised foreign freeholds in the country.

After the MDP expressed concern with the unprecedented changes facilitating “foreign non-commercial logistical installations in the Maldives,” China dismissed the possibility of building military bases in the Maldives.

Yameen had meanwhile said in his Republic Day address that his administration would be “looking east” towards China as a development partner, slamming undue interference in domestic affairs by “Western colonial powers.”

In June this year, Yameen declared that Sino-Maldives relations are at an “all-time high” with the establishment of a cooperative partnership between the countries last year. The Chinese government has pledged US$100 million as grant aid for the construction of a bridge connecting Malé and the reclaimed island Hulhumalé, whilst negotiations for a free trade agreement between the countries are due to begin in October.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

On 11:00 PM by Freedom Rally in    No comments


 * scandle of 6milionUS$ during post of Tourism minister
 * Adeeb father involvment by MMPRC
 * Presidentail campaign 2018
 * Fraction in PPM

Adeeb’s appointment comes after the parliament impeached Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel with multi-party support. Vice President Ahmed Adeeb is a remarkable personality in numerous ways.

Adeeb has been accused of corruption cases and gang violence. These cases allegedly involve millions of Rufiyaa. He is also allegedly involved in the mysterious disappearance of journalist Rilwan Abdulla.

An audit report has implicated Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb in a corruption scandal involving US$6million, a day after ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) amended the Audit Law to reappoint the Auditor General (AG). - See more at: http://minivannewsarchive.com/politics/tourism-minister-implicated-in-us6million-corruption-scandal-90723/comment-page-1#sthash.15UHDRxN.dpuf
An audit report has implicated Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb in a corruption scandal involving US$6million, a day after ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) amended the Audit Law to reappoint the Auditor General (AG). - See more at: http://minivannewsarchive.com/politics/tourism-minister-implicated-in-us6million-corruption-scandal-90723/comment-page-1#sthash.15UHDRxN.dpuf
An audit report has implicated Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb in a corruption scandal involving US$6million, a day after ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) amended the Audit Law to reappoint the Auditor General (AG). - See more at: http://minivannewsarchive.com/politics/tourism-minister-implicated-in-us6million-corruption-scandal-90723/comment-page-1#sthash.15UHDRxN.dpuf
An audit report has implicated Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb in a corruption scandal involving US$6million, a day after ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) amended the Audit Law to reappoint the Auditor General (AG).
- See more at: http://minivannewsarchive.com/politics/tourism-minister-implicated-in-us6million-corruption-scandal-90723/comment-page-1#sthash.15UHDRxN.dpuf
An audit report has implicated Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb in a corruption scandal involving US$6million, a day after ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) amended the Audit Law to reappoint the Auditor General (AG).
AG Niyaz Ibrahim,  special audit report, said the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Company (MMPRC) obtained a US$1million loan from Maldives Tourism Development Corporation in the guise of making an urgent payment to a foreign party and subsequently loaned the money to a company owned by Adeeb’s father.Adeeb owned a 35 percent share in Montillion International Private Ltd, but transferred his shares to his father in March 2012 when he assumed the post of Tourism Minister.

Even with the accusations of being corrupt, Adeeb is one of the youngest Vice Presidents in the world. Succeeding to advance in his political career within a short time period proves that Adeeb is one of the most capable political leaders in Maldives.
Some people believe Adeeb has a very bright future in politics, but the big picture shows terrible days ahead. Trusted sources have explained that the media outlets controlled by the government have decided not to promote Adeeb.

Despite the decision by pro-government media outlets, President Yameen’s presidential campaign for 2018 has almost begun. Trainings had begun to create leaders for the elections. The threat to Adeeb’s political career was also seen in the symposium as he was not seen in any posters.It seems like President Yameen and his half-brother former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom are not getting along very well. It seems that President Yameen would compete in 2018 presidential election without Maumoon’s support and with a new running mate.

You could said that Adeeb’s career could end or Adeeb may lose a lot of political powers. Experts say if a business expands too widely in a short period of time, it has more chances of going bankrupt. In my opinion Adeeb’s political career is also at the brink of bankruptcy.

Monday, September 28, 2015

On 10:55 PM by Freedom Rally in    No comments
                                                   Ahmed Adeeb


                              Ahmed Adeeb was born and raised in Male' City. Adeeb is the son of Abdul Ghafoor Adam and Shaheema Mohamed.

Ahmed Adeeb attended the iconic Majeediyya School for his primary education before receiving his degree from Staffordshire University in 2007. He received his Master of Business Administration Degree from Edith Cowan University in 2008.

Adeeb began his career in 2001 at Maldives Customs Services. After graduating in 2008 he started work as the Chief Operating Officer at Millennium Capital Holdings Pvt Ltd, before he got elected as the Treasurer of Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MNCCI) the same year. He was later elected as President of the Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MNCCI) in 2011. Adeeb stepped into the national spotlight in 2009 as a young academic discussing various economic issues relating to the government.

Series will be countinued......................

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

On 12:30 AM by Freedom Rally in    No comments

 Women growth shows actual growth of any country.It mean of women growth like education, impowerment, health ,income sources, employment,etc. What would be say about maldivian women ? What  they reach here.The problem of unemployment, transport,tradition,are stoppe o reach here.

      The status of Women in the Maldives has traditionally been fairly high, as attested to in part by the existence of four Sultanas. Women do not veil, nor are they strictly secluded, but special sections are reserved for women in public places, such as stadiums and mosques. Women do not accept their husbands' names after marriage but maintain their maiden names. Inheritance of property is through both males and females.

As Muslims, men may have as many as four wives, but there is little evidence to suggest that many have more than one.

Women have always had an important role in the family and community. In the early history of Maldives, it was not uncommon to have a woman as a Sultana or ruler and it has been suggested that the society was once a matriarchy.

         In today’s society women hold strong positions in government and business. A large percentage of government employees are women. The male female ratio of enrollment and completion of education to secondary school standards remains equivalent. Women serve in the cabinet and the Parliament.

In 2013, a 15-year-old rape victim received a sentence of 100 lashes for fornication. The sentence was later overturned by the Maldivian High Court, following an international petition campaign led by Avaaz.

Ender Inequality Index

    Value                                                                   0.357 (2012)
    Rank                                                                    64th
    Maternal mortality (per 100,000)                       60 (2010)
    Women in parliament                                          6.5% (2012)
    Females over 25 with secondary education        20.7% (2010)
    Women in labour force                                        55.7% (2011)
    Global Gender Gap Index

    Value                                                                   0.6604 (2013)
    Rank                                                                   97th out of 136

                                        Position in index shows not good condition of women in maldives and demmond for equality also growth. women impowement is not so eassy but is necessary.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On 5:05 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , , , , ,    No comments
Bed-In for Peace
Beatles legend John Lennon married his second wife Yoko Ono on March 20, 1969. Five days later, in lieu of a traditional honeymoon, the couple holed up in the bed of the Amsterdam Hilton's presidential suite, welcoming media for a week straight to display their deep opposition to the Vietnam War. They followed up a couple months later with another bed-in at a Montreal hotel, where Lennon and a group of supporters recorded the song "Give Peace a Chance."

Seminal Essay
  Henry David Thoreau, the Harvard-educated 19th-century philosopher and poet, remains a major symbol of peaceful resistance because of his 1849 work, "Civil Disobedience," in which he questions why people would obey a government whose laws they believe to be unjust. On account of his opposition to slavery, Thoreau refused to pay taxes, an act that briefly landed him in jail in 1846 (a relative bailed him out).

Lady in White
As one of the four mounted heralds of the Suffrage Parade on March 3, 1913, lawyer Inez Milholland Boissevain led a procession of more than 5,000 marchers down Washington D.C.'s Pennsylvania Avenue. The National American Woman Suffrage Association raised more than $14,000 to fund the event that became one of the most important moments in the struggle to grant women the right to vote — a right that was finally achieved seven years later. 

The Salt March
On March 12, 1930, at the age of 61, Mohandas Gandhi left his ashram with a band of 78 handpicked volunteers and headed for the sea. The Mahatma's destination was the village of Dandi, 241 miles to the south. Once he arrived at the beach, 24 days later, Gandhi proceeded to pick up salt, the production of which was controlled by the occupying British government. It was a simple gesture that served as the start to India's independence movement.

Flint Sit-In
As a nascent union, the United Auto Workers, formed in 1935, had a lot to fight for. During the Depression, General Motors executives started shifting work loads to plants with non-union members, crippling the UAW. So in December 1936, workers held a sit-in at the Fisher Body Plant in Flint, Michigan. Within two weeks, about 135,000 men were striking in 35 cities across the nation. Although the sit-ins were followed by riots, the images of bands playing on assembly lines and men sleeping near shuttered machines recall the serene strength behind the movement that solidified one of North America's largest unions.

Standing Up by Sitting Down
Even though African Americans constituted some 70% of total bus ridership in Montgomery, Ala., Rosa Parks still had trouble keeping her seat on Dec. 1, 1955. It was against the law for her to refuse to give up her seat to a white man, and her subsequent arrest incited the Montgomery Bus Boycott. One year later, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower court's decision that made segregated seating unconstitutional. Parks was known thereafter as the "mother of the civil-rights movement."

Fists in the Air
African-American track athletes Tommie Smith (first place) and John Carlos (third place) used their wins in Mexico City's 1968 Olympic Games to show their opposition to the continued oppression of blacks in the U.S. They stood in black socks to represent black poverty; Carlos wore beads to symbolize black lynchings; together they raised their black-gloved fists in a cry for black unity. The silver medalist on the podium, Australian Peter Norman, wore an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge on his tracksuit in solidarity. It cost him a hero's welcome upon his return home. Both Smith and Carlos were removed from the Games; none of the three men ever recanted their stances.

Flowers vs. Guns
From an anti-war demonstration in front of the Pentagon on October 21, 1967, organized by the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, came images that encapsulate a decade of flower power. Not even the National Guard was a match for mellow hippies looking to push change with nothing more deadly than a few petals.

The Unknown Rebel
After the death of pro-democracy leader Hu Yaobang in mid-1989, students began gathering in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to mourn his passing. Over the course of seven weeks, people from all walks of life joined the group to protest for greater freedom. The Chinese government deployed military tanks on June 4 to squelch the growing demonstration and randomly shot into the crowds, killing more than 200 people. One lone, defiant man walked onto the road and stood directly in front of the line of tanks, weaving from side to side to block the tanks and even climbing on top of the first tank at one point in an attempt to get inside. The man's identity remains a mystery. Some say he was killed; others believe him to be in hiding in Taiwan.

March on Washington
More than 200,000 people gathered in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963 to demand equal rights for African Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech and roused a nation to action.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

On 5:48 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , , ,    No comments

1.   The Occupy Movement (2011-present)


A world-wide demonstration against the so called 1% and global social and economic inequality, the Occupy movement is an international protest movement aiming to make the economical and political relations in all societies less vertically hierarchical and more flatly distributed. Different groups all over the world have different foci on the protests, but among them it’s primary concerns being about the belief about large corporations and global financial system controlling the world in a way that kept the poor poorer and the rich richer with every passing moment. The protest started with slogans like, ‘’We are the 99%,’’ and what started as a protest against the Western economic distributions grew up to be a world- wide revolution against the minutely controlled economic system of the world that is believed to be favoring the top 1% and leaving the rest 99% to suffer compromise.

FINAL CONCLUSION: Most of the protests we have seen in the list are not from long ago or from the worn pages history books. They happened right in front of our eyes as we carried on with our normal lives. The normalcy of our day-to-day commute may have kept us ignorant about the wind that is changing tides around the world. A significantly common attribute among all the protests we have discussed seems to be ‘’social media and networking’’. Yes, the social networking advancement in the world has certainly helped the protesters all over the world to keep in touch with each and everything that happens around them and support each other in the objective of achieving the same unified goal of a bigger, better and a brighter future in all aspects of our lives for all of human-kind.

2. Brazilian Protests (2013)


Mainly initiated by the Movemento Pasee Livre (Free Fare Movement), a local organization advocating for free public transportation, 2013 protests in Brazil are a series of on-going public demonstrations in several Brazilian cities. Also known as the V for Vinegar Movement or Salad Revolt, the Brazilian Spring demonstrations were started to protest against the increases in bus, train and metro ticket prices in many Brazilian cities, but however it grew to include other issues such as police brutality and by mid June, 2013 it had been the largest movement Brazil had seen since the 1992 protests against then-President Fernando Collor de Mello

3.  Turkish Protests (2013)

turkey protest

A series of protests and demonstrations against the freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the government’s encroachment on Turkey’s secularism that started on May, 2013, initially sparked to detest the urban development plan for Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park. The protests were ignited by brutal outrage due to the eviction of a sit-in at the park protesting the plan. The protests with no centralized leadership and with only small groups organizing environmental protests across the country; the movement has been compared to the Arab Spring, the Occupy movement and the Revolutions of 1989 and May 1968 by many key observers. However, on 6th June, PM ErdoÄŸan seemingly not buzzed even due to all the protests said that the developments plans would go ahead despite the protests and he also announced he will not be sorry for the excessive police violence on the protesters after the announcement. According to the Turkish media, rather than violent and forceful means, humor and internet technology has been the primary weapon for the protesters.

4. Arab Spring (2010-present)

arab spring women

The Arab Spring is a list of on-going protests and all kinds of revolts both violent, non-violent riots, civil wars taking place all over the Arab World against their respective governments and existing economic, political, social and educational systems. As of yet, respective rulers from Tunisia, Egypt (twice), Libya and Yemen have been forced from power. Civil uprisings and major protests have shaken the governments in countries like Bahrain, Syria, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Sudan. Countries like Mauritania, Oman and Saudi Arabia are catching up with the revolutionary wave of protests and demonstrations. Many observers have compared the Arab Spring movements with the Revolution of 1989, also known as the ‘Autumn of Nations’ that swept through the Eastern Europe and the Second World, in terms of scale and their significance.

5. Protest against the War in Afghanistan (2001-present)

afganistan protest

This is perhaps one of the longest protests in history that has ran over a decade already and still persists with more and more countries coming into the picture. The first-major protests date back to the initial days of the official launch of the war in October, 2001. The War in Afghanistan has given way to many large protests around the world in countries like Australia, Canada, France, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States. The war, as we all know, led by the United States has yet resulted in 140,000 foreign military troops being sent to war, billions of dollars being used to fuel the war and has reported a number of 31,000 people being killed by the war, along with approx. 3000 foreign troops.

6.  Malawian Protests (2011)

Malawian Protests

The Malawi Protests started with a proposition of winning the political and economic reforms or concessions from the government of Malawi. In the month of July, Malawian organizations protested against the poor economic management and the carefree governance by the President Bingu wa Mutharika and his Democratic Progressive Party. After just two days of protests, more than 100 casualties and around 300 arrests were reported. More demonstrations were carried out in the month of August and September and even due to the intervention of the UN representative, the protests broke through Red Wednesday through a national vigil.

There have been many big and bloody protests in history with colossal mass involvement which have certainly pole-shifted our lives from what it used to be and changed our ideas about life as we know it today. Some of the historical protests are being carried out as we speak, hence here we have ten of the biggest protests that man-kind has ever seen.

7. Colombian Student Protests (2011)

Colombian student protest

This is also an on-going student protest movement taking place all over Colombia. The protest, like the Chilean protests; is a series of demonstrations against the education system in Colombia. The protest began as a direct reaction against the planned reform on the country’s education system. Due to the protests the planned reform was withdrawn from the parliament on the 16th of November, 2011; something student leaders called a victory for the movement. A protest carried out on the 24th of November, 2011 was announced the first bi-national protest for education in history, according to the Chilean Magazine ‘The Clinic’ as students from both the countries had in common South America and right-winged presidents.

8.  Chilean Student Protests (2011-2012)

chile protest

Widely known as the Chilean Winter, referring in particular the massive protests that were carried out in August in the year 2011 or also the Chilean Education Conflict as it was labeled in Chilean media were basically a series of student-led demonstrations across Chile. The protesters being the students mostly are in demand of a new framework for education in the country that provided more direct state participation in secondary education and an end to the existing profit-motive in higher education. Most of the universities in Chile are private and only a 45% of high school students study in traditional public schools. Even though the number of university students has increased significantly there hasn’t however been any significant improvement or either establishment of new public universities since the Chilean transition to democracy in 1990.

9.  Irish Protests (2008-2013)

Ireland protest

This is one of the on-going series of protests, occupations, and demonstrations taking place all over the Republic of Ireland. The movement started in the year 2008, when Ireland officially declared it had gone into recession, and the budget being ‘’the toughest in many years’’ as labeled by the Irish government included many controversial measures such as a proposed income levy which was eventually restructured. After this many people started losing their jobs and before anyone saw it coming, millions of people were out in the street demonstrating against the system; from students, factory workers to taxi drivers all of them were upset about having to give their jobs up and demanding the system to change to a better and more facilitative one.

10. Indian anti-corruption movement (2011)

India anti corruption 2011

The 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement intended to set up a strong legislation and empowerment against the endemic political situation of corruption in India. The movement was a pile of protests and demonstrations that swept India almost over-night.The anti-corruption movement in India was among the Top Ten News stories of 2011. The movement was led by many influential leaders among which Hazare & Baba Ramdev supporters stood out the most. There were many group protests all over the country but the most significant protests were carried out in the Ramila Maidan in India for almost a period of 40 days. Over a 100 million protesters were directly linked with the ‘’Bharat Swabhiman Andolan’’. The protest was well facilitated with basic requirements for the protesters like medical facilities, drinking water, toilets and also a media center.

On 5:28 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , , ,    No comments
It’s surprising to see the number of protests in history that were initiated with peaceful propositions at the start and turned pretty violent as they headed close to their ends. Often times, peaceful protesters get rowdy and start havoc because of being treated unjustly by police and other opposing forces. Sometimes protests are even opposed with simply more protests carried out by opposition groups, parties and political groups in the most recent cases. Protests are basically people’s way of demonstrating against something/ someone that isn’t up to their expectations or up to the potential of what reality should have been like for particular issues. Protesters demand change, and immediate change for that matter and perhaps that is the very reason they do not hesitate to cross any extent that reality has to offer in order to get their expectations compromised, if not met completely.

1. Cherokee Indian Resistance to Forced Relocation (1838)

Objective: Avoid having their land seized by the United States government

Method of Protest: Cherokees stood their ground, and made no preparations to move.

Results: U.S. troops destroyed the homes and property of the resisting Cherokees, forcing them to move west on a journey that would leave approximately 4,000 dead from disease and starvation.

Was the Protest a Success?
No. The path the Cherokees took from their homes is still knows as the Trail of Tears.

2. Gandhi’s Salt March (1930)

Objective: Independence of Colonial India from British Authority

Method of Protest:
To avoid paying the British tax on salt, Gandhi decided to get his own salt. To do this, he walked 240 miles over the course of 24 days, joined by a growing number of followers.

Results: Gandhi was jailed, but the protest drew national attention to his cause and he was eventually released.

Was the Protest a Success?
Not immediately, but it is considered a watershed moment for India’s struggle for independence, which was finally obtained two decades later.

3. The White Rose Resistance (1942–1943)

Objective: Undermine the Nazi Rule of Germany

Method of Protest: Distributing leaflets that philosophically challenged the ideas of the Nazis.

Results: The six main members of the group were arrested and beheaded.

Was the Protest a Success?

4. The Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–1956)

Objective: Lessen racial segregation and inequality for blacks in the American South

Method of Protest: Montgomery’s black population refused to use public transportation.

Results: An Alabama district court ruled that the racial segregation was unlawful. The decision was appealed but upheld by the Supreme Court.

Was the Protest a Success?
Yes. It also served as the impetus for the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

5. Pureora (1978)

Objective: Stop deforestation of the Pureora forest in New Zealand

Method of Protest: Built tree houses, refused to leave them

Results: The Government agreed to permanently stop logging operations and the area became a park.

Was the Protest a Success?
Yes. It has also inspired many other tree-sitting protests, with varying levels of success.

6. Tiananmen Square Protests (1989)

Objective: Political reform and free media in the authoritarian Chinese government

Method of Protest: Seven weeks of peaceful marches and demonstrations

Results: The People's Liberation Army of China opened fire on the protesters. The exact death toll of the massacre is still unknown; estimates range from 200 and 10,000.

Was the Protest a Success?
No. The current Chinese government does not acknowledge the killings. All online information about the massacre is censored in China.

6. The Lust Lady Strike of San Francisco (1997)

Objective: Ability for strippers at San Francisco’s Lusty Lady club to form a union

Method of Protest: Strippers went on strike protesting outside the club and asking patrons not to enter unless the women were allowed to form a union.

Results: After a lengthy legal battle, the dancers were permitted to form a union

Was the Protest a Success?

7. The Singing Revolution (1986-1991)

Objective: Independence from the former Soviet Union for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Method of Protest: Protesters gathered in the streets where they sang songs of national pride, which had been outlawed by the Soviet occupiers.

After four years of demonstrations, many involving song, and the deaths of 14 protesters in Lithuania, all three countries gained sovereignty.

Was the Protest a Success?

8. Demonstration against Invading Iraq (2003)

Objective: Stop the United States from invading Iraq

Method of Protest:
An estimated 6 to 10 million people around the world publicly protested the impending war.

Results: The invasion of Iraq happened anyway.

Was the Protest a Success?
No. They still have troops in Iraq to this day.

9. The “Lactivists” at Applebee’s (2007)

Objective: Stop discrimination against public breastfeeding at Applebee’s Restaurants

Method of Protest:
A “Nurse-in” was scheduled — across the country, breastfeeding mothers would nurse their infants in plain view of Applebee’s.

Results: Applebee’s put out a statement saying “This situation has provided an opportunity for us to work with our associates to ensure we’re making nursing mothers feel welcome….we will also accommodate other guests who would be more comfortable moving to another area of the restaurant.”

Friday, June 12, 2015

There is a rumour going viral on social media that Maldivian Army top brass has expressed reservations about being drawn into the civil protest being held in Maldives.
This corroborates earlier media reports that Yameen had reservations about Army involvement in controlling protesters. Sources say that Army had equal reservations about Yameen as well.
Two questions:
Second question – how such leak took place? But the first question is- why there is so much distrust between the government and Army?
Like most of the things in Maldives, this issue is very complicated.
From the historical time Army has not only been custodian of country’s territorial integrity but also its morality and country’s image. Many brave Maldivians have sacrificed their lives to glory. Equally important to note is that governments have also given Army, as an institution, due respect.
At least most of the times.
One exception was 1930s during the reign of Sultan Mohammad Shamsuddeen III. It was the first time when Army was tinkered with. However, this did not last and most of the changes were withdrawn, practically.
This is second time only in the history of Island when Army is being disturbed again.
There is no secret that Maldivian Army loved the then President Nasheed. But then most of Maldives loved Nasheed. In fact he was loved by a large number of people worldover – primarily by pro-democracy supporters and green-activists. So why should it be a crime for Army. One can’t ignore the fact that personal likings and disliking has never clouded army’s actions.
The secret of Yameen’s fear lies in his own conduct.
History is witness that dictators, especially those who come to power by coup, remain afraid for their survival. Dictators therefore tend to rely on Army’s brute power to remain at helm. But in case of Maldives (exceptionally) the Army has kept its decorum and has refused to become a puppet institution and an instrument of repression of its own people.
It is therefore understandable that Yameen would not want to engage Army in quelling protests.
However, now that Army has also refused to be part of the government brute force, it remains to be seen how Yameen will deal with the situation. Army’s refusal has also put the police under strain. The discontent within the police personnel may further get deepened. This rumbling would not auger well for Police.
In all, this is at least a good news for protesters. Ameen ;)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

When the atolls are gripped with a protest mood and where there is general frenzy and apprehension amongst people about the coming protest, it was rather surprising (and disheartening) to see such news items:

  • President Yameen visiting China
  • Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon visiting Qatar
  • Tourism Minister Ahmed Adheeb visiting Thailand (where else!!)

Only the naïve will take it as merely a coincidence.
And the most naïve will try to project it as 'indifference' of the leadership towards the coming protest.

The Big question is Why?

For political asylum!!

Yameen, sources close to him reveal, has single objective in mind. He has to secure a place for him run to as and when Nasheed comes out of the forced imprisonment, which is imminent sooner or latter. In today's pro-democracy sentiment running world-over (though hardly practiced), it is very difficult for any dictator to obtain asylum except in dictatorial regimes. This narrows down the choices for Yameen.

Barring countries in Middle East and few places in Africa, only North Korea, China and Russia can offer asylum to Yameen. Russia is itself struggling with foreign sanctions and would not like to invite more adversaries. Kim Jr. of N-Korea is is no better place. That leaves only Middle East and China as any viable option. Middle East is presently one of the biggest security hazard except few Gulf nations, most prominent being Qattar.

And that is why the top leaders are in Qatar and China.

(As mentioned earlier, Adheeb is in Thailand for personal reasons only ;)

PS: At the time of writing, inputs have started percolating in media that Qatar is not so forthcoming for giving asylum to Yameen. That would leave China as only suitable destination.
There seems to be golden opportunity is someone wants to open Chinese language classes !!
On 2:10 AM by Freedom Rally in , , , , , ,    No comments

Rumors in the power corridors are that Adheeb also conspiring to replace the Vice President. The theory is that VP is only amongst the top leader present in Male at a time when a big protest is to take place. As mentioned in previous article, many top leaders have chosen this convenient time to go on foreign junket including President Yameen.

Government sources admit that this time the protest is likely to be bigger than the mayday protest. It is also expected that the protest would be joined by a lot of visitors from atolls who happen to be in Male for Ramadan shopping and schools holidays among other things.

Add the learnings from previous experience, protesters are no doubt better prepared and more committed. The decision to carry out a 'sit-in protest' (rather than a March) also gives an edge to June 12 protest as it forces the police to act (and therefore to make mistakes).

If protesters succeed in making a big impact, it will reflect poorly on already tarnished image of Yameen. And if protesters are not allowed a peaceful protest and some mishap takes place, this will invite a barrage of international criticism.

In either case, it is the VP who will take the blame.
Now, some one has to be made the fall guy !

It is more likely than not, Adheeb will stake first claim. (despite his dramatic public denial that he was not a contender). Some observer also see the constitutional amendment (first amendment) which alters the age for President as an attempt to facilitate only Adheeb's rise.

Twitter handles are also abuzz that Adheeb is buying support (through his Team Yageen) with filthy cash, which he has amassed form known and more unknown sources.

(At least now we know where the money looted from poor Maldivians has gone!)

What an able deputy for Yameen.

Monday, June 8, 2015

People of Maldives are in shocked and sad. Reason is super hero Avengers flick has released without introducing Dictator-man (Yameen) as the super hero. Director was in talk with Yameen before casting actors but from a long time, no news came and it got released without Yameen.

From his indomitable spirit of being a staunch non-supporter of democratic rights and making police beat people of Maldives brutually. Director approached Yameen in 2013 after his win over dictator nasheed for the role of Dictatorman. Yameen was delighted and accepted the role by Hollywood director which he’s pursuing offline as well by snatching democratic rights of people and jailing opposition politicians.

But who ditched Yameen? Did he himself was responsible or Hollywood director neglected him? Let us try to make you understand the role offered to him better.

Dictatorman is a person who’s born and brought up with kings, princes and elite class. He buys branded shoes, eat most expensive food and and wear costliest suits. What he wants is to rule everyone according to his wish. To beat people protesting for their rights, and make their life hell, he started wearing a mask and become one of the special police cop with no mercy. He loves throwing tear gas towards people, while corrupt and drug-addicts are his allies.
While the movie got released without even his cameo appearance, Yameen looked disturbed and sad. Reports are coming that he has beaten the hell out of his dog in frustration.
Will this behavior be able to solve such National problem?

Kim Jong, who’s famous for his dictatorial antics, has found a new ally. Ally is none other than our President Yameen. Yameen has got close to Kim Jong swagger and following him at fast pace to become one. He's trying to approach Kim office to meet him and learn some antics.
Kim Jong, who has not only executed his uncle but made 7 people naked, later served as food to 120 dogs as well. Kim Jong also ordered last year to all males of his country to follow his hair style. What a great way to run a country! 
Jealous from him being in the highlights of the social media, Yameen is trying hard to become new sensation on world media through dictatorship. An 18 year old college student said, “Oh Kim Jong news keep coming once in a month, which trends on social media every third day, everyone knows about him. But nobody know this self-proclaimed hitler of Maldives, so he’s using force, police and other weapons to attack people’s rights and become new Kim Jong.”
Question arise is Yameen be able to match Kim Jong footsteps? Will Yameen be able to overpower Kim Jong in his media attracting antics or Kim Jong keep ruling on media like a boss. Or will they both sign a pact to create a mutual co-operation platform? Only time knows, we can only predict.